
two spaces after the period or no?
what did you learn?

@sinbach I vote a definitive no. I always take the double spaces out of your articles πŸ˜‚

@bethany what? really? is that basic editing 101? in fact, if I hit the space bar two times, my phone, MS Word, etc automatically gives me a period at the end of the sentence. doesn't that kind of end the debate?

@sinbach technically if you double space at the end of a word if gives you a period and one space.
But no it's not editing 101. It's totally personal preference. I just impose my personal preference on you

@sinbach do you feel bullied enough to stop double spacing?

@bethany I feel bullied enough to do a BBC interview, start a support group, found a shelter, launch a fund raiser, register as a charity in the UK, and write a book (all with double spaces).

@bethany @sinbach free sinobach! stop the oppressor! Double spaces matter! defund Bethany 🀣
As you can see I've learned some new English expressions over last few years πŸ˜‚

@bethany @tymektt @sinbach I need to side with Bethany on this one... I never even heard of double space after period. Why waste all that good space πŸ˜‚

@bethany @tymektt @sinbach not sure how that ever happened. Didn't see that one coming. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

@sinbach In typing class 50 years ago we were taught two spaces.
I do some editing of scientific papers and the rule there is 1 space, and the word processing software figures out how to space things to look best

@sinbach always a no from I get bonus points cos I'm English?

@sinbach I never learned one way or the other. However, I personally prefer typing single spaced; I find it looks neater. Plus, using single spacing will make the text more compact, so, it's a win win.

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