
Who do you trust more?
Curious after Elon Musk asked on his Twitter feed

@sinbach It's a difficult question! 😅 What would YOU answer? This picture shows why I think it is... This is our young, female prime minister Sanna Marin with Klaus Schwab. (Politicians and the most powerful billionaires are two sides of the same coin.) They are selling my country step by step, to the globalists. A few years ago this question would have been easier from a Finnish point of view (I would have picked politicians), because it's one of the least corrupt countries in the world, and politicians are elected by the people (no electors, even for the president election). The President must be a native-born citizen of Finland. The term of office is six years. The same person may be elected President for no more than two consecutive terms. From an American point of view I suppose you have lower trust in politicians than we have in ours (or used to have... my trust has decreased).

@tanjaostman I tend to trust he who spends his own money before I trust those that spend the money of others.
This is not always true, but is my general rule of thumb.
As a missions director, the irony is not lost on me that I'm closer to the category of a politician than a billionaire BUT truth be told, I rarely trust myself.

@sinbach I can't choose one or the other. It truly depends on the politician or the billionaire. Who do you trust more, sales people or auto mechanics? Nigerians? Indians? Americans? Afghans? Or? It's an interesting question for sure. 🙂 But, I simply don't know how to choose one based on only those criteria.

@sinbach politicians pretend that they're for the there's that...

@sinbach In the US it's mostly the same thing; billionaires and corporations own enough of the politicians to mostly get their way. Both are parts of the same corrupt system.

There used to be more seperation between the two and it was easier to find members of either group that could be trusted. Concentrated power is the problem as I see it.

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