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California is lifting ALL lock down orders even though numbers are STILL up and a new "deadly" strand of the virus is now spreading.
What changed?
Gov. Newsom gave covid update every day up till 10 days ago.
Now Gov. Newsom hasn't made one peep on TV about the virus in 10 days.
What changed?
ICU capacity is still at same or lower capacity than before the lock downs, but now it is ok to open restaurants, hair salons, church services?
What changed?

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach Well said. Absolutely right, it's no use waiting for things to go back to the way they were in 2019, God is doing a new thing. Time we caught up

Are you paying attention to the signs of the time?
UFC 257 just revealed one of the biggest missionary secrets of 2021.

Parler is still down.
During the lock down - more people shopped on - Amazon supported the lock down.
During the lock down - more people connected on Facebook - Facebook supported the lock down.
During the lock down - more people used Google - Google supported the lock downs.
During the lock down - many people lost their jobs, but Amazon, Facebook, and Google grew richer. those that questioned the lock down were blocked and shut down by Amazon, Facebook, and Google. Politicians that supported the lock down were protected by Amazon, Facebook, and Google and received campaign support.
People questioned this connection and were forced to use alternative platforms to communicate. Facebook, Google, and Amazon coordinated to shut down any significant competition.
This is why Parler is shut down.
But isn't that good for DingDash?
An attack on freedom of speech, information, press, and assembly is an attack on us all.

Sinobach boosted

My cousin, just a few years older than I am (I’m 55) went into the hospital 2 weeks ago. She was put on life support shortly afterwards. She just passed away at 2 AM this morning. Drs don’t know the cause of death. They didn’t know what was making her sick. Please pray for her family.

Sinobach boosted


Marcus, you have my sympathy and my prayers.

If anyone has some prayers to spare, please send prayers for my niece. She is 40 with 3 young children and they have been unable to diagnose what is wrong except possibly some sort of autoimmune deficiency. Mayo Clinic has run a ton of tests as have others.The pain when she eats is incredible so she cannot eat and cannot keep food down. This has been two years. She is barely hovering above 100 pounds.

3 Easy Ways to make friends on DingDash!
#1. Create REAL profile pic. No one likes making friends with picture of cross or a scenic path in the woods. It's weird. It's even harder to engage you when you leave your photo blank. We feel like we can know you if we can see your face.
#2. MAKE NEW FRIENDS. Click on Home, Timeline or if you are feeling frisky - Federated Timeline and find people posting things that interest you. Click on their profile and click the button to follow them. Comment on their post.
Go ahead. You can do it. They won't bite.
#3. RELAX. Don't make ALL your posts about religion, politics, and the end of the world. Share about hobbies, pets, food, interests, or give tips on restaurants in your area.
I LOVE this community and want to get to know as many of you as possible.

Sinobach boosted

Copied: Why Carry a Gun

My old Grandpa said to me, 'Son, there comes a time in every man's life when he stops bustin' knuckles and starts bustin' caps and usually it's when he becomes too old to take a whoopin'.'

I don't carry a gun to kill people; I carry a gun to keep from being killed.

I don't carry a gun because I'm evil; I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the World.

I don't carry a gun because I hate the government; I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government.

I don't carry a gun because I'm angry; I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.

I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone; I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.

I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man; I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.

Sinobach boosted

Love being in Montana!
Their new open carry gun laws are even being supported by my lovely wife.

3 Easy Ways to make friends on DingDash!
#1. Create REAL profile pic. No one likes making friends with picture of cross or a scenic path in the woods. It's weird. It's even harder to engage you when you leave your photo blank. We feel like we can know you if we can see your face.
#2. MAKE NEW FRIENDS. Click on Home, Timeline or if you are feeling frisky - Federated Timeline and find people posting things that interest you. Click on their profile and click the button to follow them. Comment on their post.
Go ahead. You can do it. They won't bite.
#3. RELAX. Don't make ALL your posts about religion, politics, and the end of the world. Share about hobbies, pets, food, interests, or give tips on restaurants in your area.
I LOVE this community and want to get to know as many of you as possible.

Sinobach boosted

I am often asked by some friends “What have you done today to combat racism?” or “What have you done to show you’re anti-racist?” Here’s a great article written by a black woman with the purpose of pointing out the Woke Trick in those statements...and others.

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Sinobach boosted
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