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Is it just me, or did there seem to be about a million prophecies from 2020 that did not come to pass? Is that more than usual?
What does that mean for us as Christians?
We discuss this subject in our next podcast.

Sinobach boosted

So honored to have Dr. Hassan Qasim, Kurdistan Archaeology Organization and Reving Mizory, United States Consulate visiting the Dream Center yesterday! You both are Both Brilliant and Delightful! Thank you so much for the visit!

Need help!! 🙆‍♂️
Trying to come up with name for new marketing company for BTJ workers in Middle East. (Nothing Christian'y).
So far I have come up with:
Blue Javelin
Top Mast
Simple Moose
...any other ideas?
Needs to have .com address and can't be confused with other registered companies.
This company will provide several visas for BTJ missionaries, so your help is VERY MUCH appreciated.

Raise your hand if you think that Louis Theroux is the best documentary maker EVER!
🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♂️

Love loooong road trips.
Coke Zero ✓
Pork Rinds ✓
Beef Jerky ✓
10 hour 1984 and 3 hour Animal Farm Audio Books - BIG FAT CHECK ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓

Man! Exciting meetings yesterday in Idaho!
One man in particular inspired me! After I shared about the 10/40 Window a few years ago in a meeting that he attended, he went and started a company called TEN FORTY ELECTRIC to help spread the word about the most unreached people on earth. "Now I get to tell customers all the time what the name means."

Sinobach boosted

DAY 11 - Brother "O"

"Day after day I sat in my cell. I read how Paul and Peter endured through severe circumstances. I felt like I was reading the Bible for the first time because I was reading it with the eyes of experience."

Sinobach boosted

This is my daughter Lisa, who has Placenta Accreta. Plz pray the placenta quits growing through the uterus and Lisa will suffer NO bleeding problems. She has had 2 miscarriages; this will be her 3rd child. Thank you for praying! This DD family is priceless... If we never meet in person I know we'll have a blast when we meet in Heaven! I truly love you all.

Must see💥 Rare video of Chinese evangelist preaching in Chinese underground house church sharing her experience of God showing her heaven and hell.

I have come to the conclusion that I have privilege.
I have inherited privilege from my Father that I did not earn.
I grew up with privilege in my life that I did not recognize till now.
I have so many privileges that I can't count them and even often forget that they are there.
I need to recognize that there are people in this world that do not have Gospel privilege as I have.
I am not ashamed of it. It is the Gospel that changes generations. It is the Gospel that keeps families together. It is the Gospel that blesses families and nations.
As a recipient of this privilege I have a duty to share with those that do not have it so that they too may have the same privileges that I have received. (Acts 10:34)

Brother Yun and his sweet granddaughter sends his greetings to all DingDashers

Back in Idaho again where 80 MPH posted speed limits and lonely roads go so well together.

There are many concerns about China's Great Firewall, but one HUGE benefit is it protects children.
During the pandemic, the number of children targeted by hardcore porn predators has skyrocketed - but not in China.
China's Great Firewall blocks all porn and if porn peddlers are found targeting children, they are swiftly executed.

Sinobach boosted

@kristawagner, I had dinner with a group of church friends tonight and one of the women said that she listened to our podcast with you today at work and she LOVED what you had to say. it was cool how much she loved what you had to share. I think you have a new fan!

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

“Spirit of God fall fresh on us, we need Your Presence. Your kingdom come, Your will be done here as in Heaven!”

Sinobach boosted

@weavers4jesus @sinbach
Because of this it's hard to know what to even say to frontline missionaries online or in email. It's frustrating but I know it's important to be very discrete.

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