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What happens when you haven't seen your wife in almost 4 months?
You open yet another store in Iraq with her name!
Excited for the grand opening of our second store.

One of my favorite things about being back in Europe....

layover in Amsterdam on my way back to Dubai. PTL I'm out of Los Angeles! I could NOT leave that city fast enough. I know Christians are supposed to say nice things about people and the places they live, but I have to be honest....with my anger issues, it's a BLESSING BY GOD guns are banned in LA. 😅

Sinobach boosted


Prince Harry called America's First Ammendment "bonkers."
I'm happy he has the freedom to say that.

Want to join us in Iraq this year, but have questions?
Do you want to attend our Christian Business Forum in the Middle East to meet radical entrepreneurs completing the GREAT COMMISSION but need more information?
Join me ONLINE on Saturday May 29th. I will be sharing information and answering questions LIVE for those thinking about going.
Click on the link below for the details

I really don't want to start a fight and I don't know who needs to hear this, but after looking at my newsfeed today, I just want to say .... pls stay healthy.
Many of you look much better BEFORE you diet.
Don't try to get skinny, just get healthy.
Healthy looks way better on you than skinny. TRUST ME.
I'm COMPLETELY convinced that the INSANE American ideal weight index for women has been constructed by angry anorexics who are on a penis embargo and use their shoulder blades as weapons to stab each other.
So before you start that stupid summer starvation diet to fit into some horrible looking outfit that was designed for a nine year old and is attractive to NO ONE (excluding Epstein island visitors), please know that
#1 there is such a thing as a woman, it is NOT a social construct, and the way you were designed is a SUPER POWER. 💯
#2 women have curves and hips and they are freaking awesome!
AND #3 happy, healthy and glowing are ALWAYS more attractive than h'angry and ghastly.

Without saying the city where you were born - what is that city famous for?
Me? Garfield the cat.

What is happening in Israel? I am excited to be doing a podcast in 2 hours with Rabbi Myles Weiss that can share with us what is happening behind the scenes.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach this sadden me to my core! I was raised in the Missouri Synod church which is very conservative. The ELCA church has always seemed liberal. I look forward to this interview.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America elects first transgender Bishop. In an explosive interview, former transgender Walt Heyer pioneer joins our BTJ podcast and explains why this is extremely dangerous.
BTJ works in areas like Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia where child sex trafficking and the transgender lifestyle are huge issues. Walt Heyer's interview is an eye opening discussion to reveal what Christians around the world need to know.

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Sinobach boosted

What is the Gospel story? Many people believe that the Gospel story is the story of Jesus coming to earth to show us the way to get to Heaven. A once popular worship chorus put it this way:

“You came from heaven to earth to show the way...from the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky...”

This is not the Gospel story. God didn’t create a good world only to make His main object to show people how to escape it!

The Apostle Paul sums up the end goal of the Gospel this way:

“For He (God) has made known to us his will, according to his purpose which he set forth in Christ as a unite all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth.” Ephesians 1:9-10

The plan is to reconcile the creation with the creator. This is why the Gospel is good news for the whole person and the whole planet. All things can be reconciled to God.

Sinobach boosted

Thank you DingDashers! I am writing my next book and sometimes I need a mental break. You guys are helping me break away from writing and giving my brain a much needed break!

One of my cousins just sent me this old school photo.
Any guess which one is me?

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