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sometimes when we think of slavery and human trafficking, we think of the problem of other nations, when the fact is, it's happening in our own backyard

Warm bowl of salmon soup after watching the sun go down from a hot sauna.
Perfect way to end the day!

Sinobach boosted

We were walking a 4,5 kilometers nature trail today, not far from home. Thankful to have nature all around us in Finland. Never far from the forest, the sea or one of the 188 000 lakes.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach from Back To Jerusalem joined me for an important conversation about Christians in the military and a particularly ANTI-Christian action our military leaders performed against Christianity in Afghanistan. Eugene argues that this action is THE REASON we failed to bring freedom to Afganistan.

Sinobach boosted

Another walk around my village with little Junia in a sling. Enjoy your day folks!

While studying the Biblical foundation for the Chinese underground house church movement of Back to Jerusalem - I discovered this nugget of truth:
Man has always approached God from East to West.
We see this directional significance already with Adam and Eve, the Tower of Babel, the direction of the Temple, even in nature with the rising and setting of the sun!
I believe that this directional movement is also significant for the completion of the Great Commission and the return of Jesus Christ.

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

@sinbach I so so so enjoy listening to you! I always get a good laugh and you didn't let me down on this one! I haven't gotten the shot, I'm never sick, I have a good immune system and ....well all that as you mentioned, in fact I was exercising as I listened. ( Laughing while lifting weights is a good core workout) You didn't offend me with either view, I walk with the same thoughts... God bless your day.

Sinobach boosted

Wow! I wanted to stop like 8 times while listening to the podcast and come here to dingdash and say how much I love you brother.
Wow. The more I listen, the more I love you bro.
So beautifully said and shared. And although like you said, not everyone is exactly the same and will agree with everything that one says, I still love your personality and way of expressing yourself and I really love the fact that you won't let others shame you, and you relish in that fact. I know it might sound like I'm blowing smoke, but our personalities and sense of humor are very similar, so it's super refreshing listening these relevant podcasts and a joy. Bless you Eugene!

Sinobach boosted

I'd like to share a message @sinbach wrote to me a while ago. But it's good for everybody:

"...Who are the Christians in the Bible? Its not enough to identify as one. Its not enough so simply say it - Christians were identified by one thing.... those following Jesus. Our doctrine is one of . following is'nt easy. It's simple, but not easy.
...You can also embrace the correct doctrine, confess with your lips, and not be a follower. We must be ."

Thank you again, brother!

BTJ Filming testimony for her explosive new book SHACKLED, due out on March 8, 2022

Even as a young boy, he had his eyes set on the military life.
Just two more weeks and I will be with him to watch him swear in to be contracted as an officer in the US Marine Corps.

I have NOT been vaccinated.
Go ahead and gasp in shock. I will wait.....
I am thinking about getting vaccinated.
NOW the other half of the room can gasp in shock.
I await ALL of your article links informing me how uninformed I am.
The truth is, I have spent the entire pandemic traveling the world. This year, in 2021, I have been on a plane flying to a different country about every week. I have been pretty irresponsible - speaking in large groups, hosting illegal meetings, not wearing a mask, hugging, shaking hands, licking door knobs - you know the usual.
I have also been tested more than anyone reading this post.
Let's be honest - there will a huge group of people celebrating when I finally get COVID.
But after traveling around the world, experiencing the lockdowns in China, US, and Europe as well as enjoying the relative freedom of movement in Sudan, Iraq, and Sweden - I have a few opinions.
You asked for them. Now you got them.

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