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Christians around the world are praying for Ukraine.
Are we seeing evidence of miracles taking place as a result of prayer?

Sinobach boosted

so it happened... Russia is invading Ukraine, please pray.

UKRAINE INVASION and what it means for CHINA and the future of Missions.
In two hours @10:30 Central European Time, BTJ will be doing a YOUTUBE LIVE interview with our BTJ office on border with Ukraine to explain what is happening for Christian believers and how this impacts future of missions.

Are you like me and assume that persecution against Christians was worse 2,000 years ago?
that is not what the data shows.
According to a recent report, 2021 saw more Christians martyred for their faith than at ANY OTHER TIME IN HISTORY!

Former Jesuit priest shares how the testimony of the Underground House Church in China led him to lay down his clerical title and simply follow Jesus.
His life has never been the same since

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach as someone helping engineer what’s coming, I totally agree! 😂

Another nation finds freedom!
I arrived in Switzerland today to find that they have dropped all covid regulations.
Vaccine mandates? GONE!
Testing? GONE!
It was amazing to spend the day with our office in Zurich and not have to wear a mask.
Congrats Switzerland. Welcome to the world of freedom again.

Sinobach boosted

Flew into Romania tonight to meet with fellow DingDasher and hacker conference attendee - when suddenly it hit me - OH YEA! I am flying on the border of Ukraine the night before a suspected invasion.

Sinobach boosted

I haven't heard this song for so long. I was so struck by the truth of the words again when we sang it at church this morning.

What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
And what a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer
Oh, what peace we often forfeit
Oh, what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.

Sinobach boosted

Mmmm....smells like love.
LOVE! being back with our Iranian friends.

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