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Love is forward...really Love is on the offensive...always aggressively finding a way to reach out! John 3:16...

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Thanks so much to everyone who has prayed for my daughter. Please continue to pray. We have an appointment with a different doctor tomorrow. She hasn't yet recovered fully as we'd hoped. I know God is faithful. He is hearing and answering prayer. Thank you so much for joining me on behalf of my daughter.

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We support Arab Christians in Betlehem who spread the Gospel among Arabs and share their love for Israel

This feels like it is becoming a habit.
Are new diseases born in China at a rate that seem faster than usual - or is that just perception? 🤔

PTL! Against all odds - the doors have opened to print and distribute Bibles in China!
We do not know how long this door will be open, but we thank God for it today. Let us work while it is still day, for the night soon cometh, when no man can work.

@tymektt ....seriously THESE are the best I've ever had. they are super soft, perfectly flavored, and just the right amount of dry mold on top. I bought them here in Dubai and I'm in LOVE

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A couple weeks more than a year I committed myself to not read another christian book until I finished the whole Bible for the first time (I really love reading christian books) I didn't knew how long would took me because not everyday I could read the same quantity of chapters. But four days ago, I finished! Obviously, let's start again 😊 ❤️
Never ever ever stop to read your Bible, it's life that brings to life every dead area of our lives 💃🏻

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Millions of Christians face interrogation, arrest, torture, and/or death because of their religious convictions

I would rather be in a remote mountain village, but if you have to be in an urban jungle, this is a rather nice place to suffer.

On our latest podcast, I interview the only man who predicted the COVID-19 Virus coming from Wuhan a year before it happened! Cyrus Parsa, Founder & CEO of The AI Organization sent intel reports to the US government about the potential bio threat coming from China.
Now he joins our podcast to share about the threat of the GREAT RESET.

Is this the new style?
Confucius say, "She who goes to bed with itchy butt, wakes up with stinky fingers."

Ivy League Professor says term "Evangelical Christian" is code for white - BUT has HUGE problem with theory - most evangelical Christians in the world today are in Africa, world's largest Evangelical Christian church is in Korea, and World's largest revival is in China.
60% of the world's Christian body now live in Asia and Africa.
Behold! God is doing a NEW THING and it is COMPLETELY shattering academia's antiquated understanding of Christianity revealing their 'wisdom' is like tattered rags.

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Update: SADLY the police were very cold and indifferent today when Ann was taken to the Fraud department to give more information. She basically in tears said "We were just a number to them!We are a good family, we try to bless everyone in our path, we have 2 babies and none of them understand how much this hurts our family! "

My heart aches for her. She is the 1st Christian in her family, and her family is being cruel. Saying many divorces happen here so she should take it if her husband is angry! She told them he was not angry at her! Infact he was comforting her. They were shocked. They told her she is stupid, a bad wife, a bad mom, and so much more!

May her heart find healing in Jesus and the love from our son, and our family! I am also praying God will miraculously return the money to them through believers around the world! IT would speak so much more! It would speak of God's understanding, love, and the care of HIS children around the world! May God get GLORY!

Is Facebook using a social scoring system similar to what we have in China?
Yes, it does appear so

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TODAY IS THE DAY!! Thursday, May 27, 2:30-4:30 PM Charlotte time
Join us at:
Elder Emmanuel Ammisah-Apologetics-“Evangelism and the Heart of God”
Elder Emmanuel Amissah a student of Holy Spirit with the mind of an Apologist and the heart of a missionary.

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B-I-G breakthrough today!
@messenjahofchrist was able to LIVE 🔴
stream today on DingDash.  🤯 

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