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Sinobach boosted

About transgenderism in children. Parents and professionals are raising their concerns, since it's irreversible and the child is mutilated for the rest of its life (unable to have children, or to be fully a man or a woman). For instance: professionals are threatening parents with the sentence: "Do you want a dead daughter or a live boy?" (Or vice versa). But studies show that the suicide risk increases with transition - not that transitioning a child to the opposite gender is the only solution to identity problems/gender disorder. One documented side effect of puberty blockers is depression. There is no scientific evidence that 'gender affirmation therapy' is a solution.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach I just finished listening to Nicky on your podcast. The story of Sheila is heart wrenching. I’m glad that she was able to get out of that horrible situation in the prison before she passed away.
Human trafficking is on an exponential rise. In some places in the world it seems it has normalized into the cultures. The Chinese and North Korea border and how women defecting are often bought and sold as wives to Chinese farmers is one example of this. It happens so frequently.

Thanks for sharing Eugene! Great interview!

You will ONLY see this information on DingDash.
I am now writing the life stories of both of these women.
Their heroic stories will change your idea of sacrifice FOREVER

We want to thank everyone for the donations that came in online for the flood victims in Henan Province.

A Death Row Survivor. Sentenced to 100 lashes and death by hanging in Sudan for refusing to deny the name of Jesus and accept Islam.
I am overjoyed to be making a special announcement with Mariam Ibraheem on Tuesday about a NEW project that we are working on together.

@messenjahofchrist - while trying the broadcasting on DingDash several times, Facebook put this up in my advertising.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach shoot!! I'll be working...I rarely get cell service 😢

Sinobach boosted

On August 4 at 12 Noon EST, I am going to be doing a DingDash LIVE with Mariam Ibraheem. We are going to be making a HUGE announcement together.

China's hosts Taliban leaders in ancient city of Tianjin.
Why does it matter?

Sinobach boosted

Wanted to shout out a recent podcast episode from @Cmarquis and Nathan. They highlighted some pretty major statistics:

61% of Christians have never shared their faith

42% of the world still live in unreached people groups

There are 900 churches and 78,000 evangelical Christians for every one unreached people group

51% of church attendees in the US were unfamiliar with the term 'Great Commission'

Here's the podcast if you want to give it a listen:

Heading out into the mountains for a couple of days with this guy right here!

A few new family members have joined us in the last few hours on DingDash!
A BIG DINGDASH welcome to @Evonne_5, @Bmmiller, @Gliceriom, @plendo, @Mathews, @zoeelife, @Danny57
Here is a video that can help you get started

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach It is certainly a creepy idea to say the least! The flooding here has been harsh and the media is not reporting the numbers missing and dead surprise there....but prayers for the people are appreciated as there are many searching for their loved ones who have been swept away................

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