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Tanja boosted

Prayer warriors – we need your prayers!
The Taliban is using sophisticated biometric equipment that they have captured from the military, and they are using it to go door-to-door to hunt down Christians.
BTJ is working with our hackers to develop a way to disable this equipment. It is a long shot, but our God is ABLE!
Prayers are desperately needed.

@Kruselady thank you! Sounds like a beautiful view. Hope you want to share a picture some day.

The red wooden thing is a toilet (imagine the smell) at my in-laws' summer cottage (in Finland). The funny thing is that people enjoy primitive life in the Nordic countries at weekends and holidays where most people have a very high standard of living, and live in perfectly built houses with triple glazing windows and superior quality over all.

Here we have no electricity and no running water. We bring the drinking water with us, and wash the dishes in rain water. We have a gas fridge and stove. And wash ourselves with rain water in the sauna (or in the sea) that has a wood-burning heater. Enjoying the last days of "summer" (around 18Β°C).

Tanja boosted

"So many people these days are using religion as a source of wealth, fame, publicity, or something else. They are using religion to get something for themselves."
A.W. Tozer

Have any of you heard about the Swedish Christian rock band Jerusalem, with Ulf Christianson (born 1948) as lead singer? They have been playing for 5 decades!! It's not too late. πŸ˜‚ They will release a new album soon. This is from the 80's. They are not only cool musicians, but strong in the spirit. They have played at big festivals in Europe with satanic bands. They have been fasting and praying before and seen people come to Christ, at places where Christians dont use to go. The subcultures where people are fed up with fake religion, and often hurt and outcast people.

Tanja boosted

@MaryMamuzich I don't know the English name of the mushroom, but it's really poisonous. Do you have it in Montana?

Tanja boosted

@sinbach you make me smile! It's a little qute that you have watched some of these (children's) movies that many times... 😊 I was just discussing the topic with my husband, and neither of us have watched any movie ten times... but one should own them to watch that many times. On VHS πŸ˜€.

Tanja boosted


I've seen a very wide range of people and beliefs and interests. I'd say far more diverse than my Facebook, YouTube or Instagram accounts

But the big difference is that we can share those views without censorship.

Could it be that you're used to seeing posts that dont have any of those topics you raised elsewhere, highlighting the ones you are seeing here

I've seen no posts, for example, questioning the efficacy of the vaccines except on Dingdash, because they get deleted elsewhere.

Debate is a great protector of freedom of speech and that is something DingDash makes possible πŸ™‚

Tanja boosted

@tanjaostman Thank you for taking the time to read and share your concerns! I am struggling in very similar ways to you. I have also been stressed about the vaccines as I live on the West Coast of the US where the truth is being heavily censored. I have researched as well, and I'm grieved by all that's happening. I remind myself daily to focus on Jesus and look to his promises and what he says is true. I know how dire the situation is, but God is somehow working to turn this in our favor. I believe this agenda will fail and the Lord will save us from global tyranny. There is hope! ❀

Tanja boosted

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Overcomer @tanjaostman

Forcing parents to sign up to a mandatory register (like sex offenders currently so in the UK) so the government can then force access to your home to inspect you, your family and your children, using non trained, non skilled government staff, with no accountability deliberately built in so you can't complain at anything they do to your or your children - all in order to determine if you're good enough to educate your children at home, using standards that home educating families would never use

The usual excuse for it? Safeguarding

despite there being lots of evidence that it will cause harm to children, not help them

It is a disgusting attack on freedom of speech and democracy

Especially when the vast majority of home ed parents do so because state education failed their child...only to be inspected based on state education standards

It is sickening 😠

10 years ago they tried, and failed...I don't see it failing this time

@Overcomer thanks for those encouraging words! πŸ™ I know I need to implement those principles more in my own life. I've felt very stressed out, frustrated and discouraged the last two weeks, since Finland is planning covid passports, and they are already giving vaccines to 12-year-old children. Feels like living in a surrealistic movie. At the same time I read research that say that mass vaccination during a pandemic is contraproductive. Look at Israel and the Seychelles- the numbers of sick have skyrocketed. It has to do with an immunity reaction, among the vaccinated.

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