@xixiangdong thanks for the reply! You put it so well! I totally agree with you!
@sinbach well put! I can't see the question/comment from the other person. But I can guess what it's about from your response. This is what I so much appreciate in your writings! You see the bigger picture. And you see different perspectives (without compromising your own beliefs). I know where you stand when it comes to Christian morals, but at the same time you are capable of defending people of other moral views and religions, just because they are humans and loved by God (but deceived, and haven't found the Way and the Truth). Yesterday I had a student participating in course on Zoom. He had a yellow wig, and called himself Rebecca and had a male voice. I just felt so frustrated and irritated, that the enemy is deceiving people with this crap through media, and knowing that they will never find peace or true identity this way. At the same time I felt something deeper within my heart, a kind of empathy or love, because of the confusion, darkness and loneliness he must be feeling.
@xixiangdong In this case, it sounds miraculous even if it was through diet, lifestyle changes and new ways of thinking. I don't know if you listened to the interview. Her life was terrible... I felt so sorry for her when I listened. She is getting more into religion she says... like her father Jordan Peterson. I think God might have been involved in her healing... but I don't know. I don't know if your question was more of a general character or if it had to do with Mikhaila's story. 😊
@Williams_girl thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!
Quotes from Houses that Change the World, by Wolfgang Simson (1998). He is German, and has been a missionary in India, and seen multiplication of house churches. He uses the same vocabulary as in the podcast interview (some days ago) by @sinbach called 'From Megachurch to Multiplication'.
I've read this kind of books for ten years, but I've met very few where I live that want to give up their traditional way of doing Church or even want to be challenged in their way of thinking, as: Am I doing it by the Book? What does God want? Are we sharing the Gospel Message or are we only after more members and financial gifts? Are we empowering (sending out) or controlling (keeping) people? Do we use money only to build a reputation, or give to those in need?
Asked yourself, when have you experienced real friendship among believers, the tangible presence of God, personal growth, been challenged, learnt valuable lessons, been educated etc.? For me, it's almost never been Sunday mornings.
I don't wanna live in the shallows
I was made to search the deep
Facebook and Instagram censorship are ridiculous! The Made by Jim Bob account is censored and deleted from Instagram, over and over! He creates new accounts with similar names... This is one example of the dangerous memes he is sharing... 😉 What happened to free speech? I wish more people would be on DD!
This Sunday, let's remember our brothers and sisters being persecuted.
A church in Chengdu gets a surprise visit from the police during their Sunday morning worship service. Then the believers do something that the police rarely see and they are SHOCKED...
@sinbach I am praying! "We" meaning you and Minna, or the whole organization?
Taking pictures at sunset close to our home. A beautiful field of sunflowers. My son taught me that they face east - and these actually do! He's learnt it from Minecraft... that strange game with big pixels is teaching him lots of things, not to mention English vocabulary. He is studying English his fourth year in school, and he understands more than I did his age (13).
We have had a crazy couple of weeks here!
We were able to spend some time with a young person and give them a Bible. So exciting!
However here in China, it’s getting harder and harder all the time for us and our Chinese brothers and sisters.
One thing that has really irked me lately is how many Americans and Canadians are crying out “ our country is communist now”
And here were are in China shaking our heads saying “ ummm nope! Your nothing like here!”
Maybe things could head that way but for now it’s nothing like living in a country with millions of cameras tracking every move, guards everywhere, police everywhere, and a gov always watching, citizen credit scores, etc., social pressure that is absolutely intense, 99% conviction rate, and you can get life in prison for stealing a bike if they feel like it.
Just a few thoughts.
China is filled with beautiful people. Precious souls. They suffer here more than you know.
A very powerful and interesting testimony of natural healing from "chronic" physical and mental illnesses. Mikhaila Peterson is the daughter of Jordan Peterson, and she has an own popular podcast as well. She has wisdom beyond her age (29), but her life was a never ending suffering between ages 2-22. Dr Caroline Leaf is a sought after expert on the brain and brain health. She is a believer.
What makes a vaccine "safe"? Who determines that? What is the testing process like? Watch as Del Bigtree answers all of these questions & walks us through the vaccine approval process. 👉 https://www.brighteon.com/cdd0b532-12e7-4747-8e99-f43150abab0b
The science of vaccine is not settled. And to claim that a science is settled, is non-scientific at the core.
In this third and last installment, Del Bigtree shines a light on vaccine safety. We are told that the vaccination program is implemented for the greater good of human society, but at what cost? Watch now! 👉 https://www.brighteon.com/5bc8a21d-b88c-4fdc-98e2-81521fb36710
According to this report, Hungary is being an example for all nations!
Return Jesus! Return!
This world is NOT our home.
We CAN complete the Great Commission in our life time! Matthew 24:14
I am often asked by some friends “What have you done today to combat racism?” or “What have you done to show you’re anti-racist?” Here’s a great article written by a black woman with the purpose of pointing out the Woke Trick in those statements...and others.
Our NEW BOOK China and End-Time Prophecy is out NOW.
For the first time we dissect the Biblical connection between ancient prophecy and China’s modern missions phenomenon that most Christians are simply not aware of.
If you are hoping that this book predicts the return of Christ by mathematical equations, Nostradamus quotes, or use Mayan prophecies, THIS IS NOT THE BOOK FOR YOU.
However THIS BOOK does clearly show a clear and undeniable connection between the revivals in China, President Xi's ONE BELT ONE ROAD Initiative, the completion of the Great Commission, Biblical prophecy of the Last Days and why the return of Christ is unstoppable.
Swedish-speaking Finn from Finland. Wife, mother of one boy (2008). Teaching special education at the local university. I belive that the Organic Church/House Church is the NT way of doing Church. I'm interested in what's going on in the underground Church and I pray for the persecuted Christians.