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Tanja boosted

@sinbach thanks for sharing this information! Really interesting - and disturbing! Yes, I've been censored as well. I'm so fed up with Facebook. 🤮 They are abusers of power.

Tanja boosted

@ChristieLeanne shocking and disturbing! 😭 It's hard to fathom what's going on even in Western countries!

Tanja boosted

Well here we go Canadian church…happening sooner than I expected.🙄 And thanks to our governments announcement today we can’t board an airplane to leave Canada without the vaccine. (Implemented Oct 30)
What do you think about the churches requirement of proof of vaccine to join the body gathering?

Tanja boosted

You have your Bible in English today because - on this day, October 6, in 1536, William Tyndale was burned at the stake for disobeying the authorities.
It was deemed a danger to society for individuals to read the Bible themselves. If an individual wanted to learn more about the Bible, they needed to join a congregation, have it read to them by an ordained priest, and in the Latin language.
William Tyndale was considered selfish and dangerous for putting the individual over the group.

Tanja boosted

On Monday, 10/4/21, Project Veritas released the fourth video of its COVID vaccine investigative series, exposing three Pfizer officials saying that antibodies lead to equal, if not better, protection against the virus compared to the vaccine. Read on to get the full scoop here! 👉

#ProjectVeritas #ExposePfizer #covidvaccine #naturalimmunity #TheTruthAboutVaccines

@sinbach it's a gift to be able to sleep well whenever it's dark! 😀 I think God knew what he was doing when he called you to BTJ... you seem to love traveling around the world. There is a big company in Vasa called Wärtsilä. They build engines etc. There are many who work for them who travel a lot over the world (meaning far from the amount of traveling you do). They say it's really exhausting both with the jet lag and long flights. You seem different!

@sinbach nice table! Just a personal question. Have you slept at all the last 24 hours? 🤣 You have shared posts around the clock. How do you handle new time zones and jet lag? I don't get it... If I go to Thailand (5 hours ahead), it's okay after 3 days there. BUT when I come back it takes 1-2 weeks to find a normal sleeping rhythm. I wake up in the middle of the night. And you travel at least every month.

@davereimer honestly, I don't know! I've shared about DD several times and she's the first taker! People need to frustrated with FB. Those who only share food and animal pictures don't care... they need to be frustrated with the censorship to search for something better.

I am so happy that my friend Kat joined DD after I marketed it on FB! She is a wise, deep and humorous Swedish speaking Finnish woman. Welcome @KatRau!

@sinbach I love and miss Arlanda! I have traveled a lot non-stop Vasa-Arlanda. Love to stroll around Arlanda. (For people like me who go by plane a maximum of 2 times a year normal years, it's a special feeling... for you it's more like your living room). Have a safe trip!

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