@MaryMamuzich such a qute dog! ❤️ 🐕
@Berrybunchfamily @TakeN thanks for the update! Praying for a perfect recovery!
@WST that's insane! 🤬
@bethany thanks!
@yomismo please, tell a little bit who you are and where you live!
@tanjaostman Welcome to the Level of the Masters! We the Ninja Class congratulate You, most profusely!!
Ninja Tanja....I trust you to be faithfully in carrying out the duties of a Ninja!!!! 🤺
@Olamide thank you so much!😀 I am humbled to receive these words from a real ninja master! I will do my best to carry out my duties!
@Bereonb2020 thanks for sharing! Did you work for a pharmaceutical company? What position did you have?
Watch the short video clip in the article! These are experts and researchers.
I just attended a civics class for the preparation of becoming a US citizen
Abraham Lincoln fought to free the slaves
Martin Luther King Jr fought for equal rights for the black people
What is happening today?
Unvaccinated have to wear colored wrist bands in Germany
Unvaccinated can't go shopping for food or eat in a restaurant
Unvaccinated are discriminated against and portrait as the guilty one
History repeats itself
Rights are being reversed
@Olamide 😂 That's true!
@Olamide I love your attitude! We need much humor in this world! Keep sharing!
@sinbach nice! I was about to guess Östersund as well, but I thought that I had only one guess. 😂 That's impressing - like us going almost to Turku for a meeting. I guess you have nothing against driving. My Swedish friends have complained that the gas price has skyrocketed... and that Miljöpartiet (who's members oftentimes live in the center of Stockholm and can make it without cars) are happy about that.
@sinbach I see snow! Nearest? 😀 So what city is a 3,5 hours drive from Bruksvallarna? Mora?
Swedish-speaking Finn from Finland. Wife, mother of one boy (2008). Teaching special education at the local university. I belive that the Organic Church/House Church is the NT way of doing Church. I'm interested in what's going on in the underground Church and I pray for the persecuted Christians.