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Tanja boosted

I didn't realize that France is suppressive regarding freedom of speech. There are actual police whose job it is to monitor churches for speech that they deem against minorities, LGBT, and against the government itself. Claiming that "Jesus is the only way" is considered hate speech and could subject you to arrest.

Tanja boosted

@MaryMamuzich oh no, by a good friend of mine Fabian Błaszkiewicz, a Bible teacher, former priest that for 20 years tried to bring the Polish catholic church back to the Bible. But gave up.
We run an online book by book Bible study since 2016

Tanja boosted

Hi all, in case you are willing to pray for Poland... something weird is happening - another step in suppressing the freedom of speech.

"Polish MPs have passed a controversial new media ownership law that could lead to the country’s largest remaining independent TV station losing its licence, but at the cost of several key votes that put the government’s longterm future in doubt."

"Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and editor in chief of MedPage Today, argues that mandating vaccines for "every living, walking American" is, as of now, not well-supported by science.../... The risk of hospitalization from COVID-19 in kids ages 5 to17 is 0.3 per million for the week ending July 24, 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We also know that the risk of hospitalization after the second vaccine dose due to myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, is about 50 per million in that same age group." (Source: US

I always notice errors in my post afterwards... both typos and grammars. Sometimes I use the same prepositions as in my mother tongue Swedish. Most prepositions are actually the same. Many idioms and expressions are even the same, so I can translate what I want to say directly from my head. But some are not, and I might notice my errors after posting. We even have many similar words, so I sometimes spell them Swedish, like using a K instead of C.

This is so sad, especially when his background is worship leader and Church planter. His wife Lisa grew up in a charismatic church, and they were leading worshipin such environments. They are extremely talented musicians! I'm not American so I don't fully understand the (Church) culture over there. Is it common that people leave the Christian faith for some kind of interreligious belief? I have read that young people/young adults are frustrated with the American Christianity, and leave churches en masse. Especially frustrated with megachurches with more focus on strong leaders than on Jesusbeing the head, and putting up shows etc. Some leave for house churches, some for more liturgical churches, and some lose their faith, and some get into yoga, mindfulness and eastern philosophies. What's your experience or perception? Do you know what happened to Gungor?

Tanja boosted

Sean Feucht wrote:

Members of Antifa showed up in Portland last night to threaten, harass, bully and intimidate us. A mom and her baby were tear gassed. Antifa stood 10 feet from me as we lifted our voices in praise, but we didn’t back down. We kept worshipping and God moved powerfully!

One member of Antifa who came to disrupt our service was SAVED giving his life to Jesus! It’s a time for a BOLD & BELIEVING church! God has not given us a Spirit of fear but of POWER & GRACE! The Church is on the move and the gates of hell will not prevail against it!

Glory to God!!

No big money for big pharma, meaning they don't want it to get attention in media.

“Our study shows first and foremost that ivermectin has antiviral activity,” Schwartz said. “It also shows that there is almost a 100% chance that a person will be noninfectious in four to six days, which could lead to shortening isolation time for these people. This could have a huge economic and social impact.”

Continues here: In September our government will discuss the covid passport. Mrs Henriksson, has been pushing in this direction. I wrote very kindly to her, for instance “we are many parents that are very worried about giving vaccines to 12-year-old children, as there are documented risks, like heart inflammations… it’s vaccine (Pfeizer) that is not even approved yet… I hope that our society won’t discriminate people [the passports] who choose not to have the vaccine… There are many highly educated people I know that are skeptical, but keep a low profile about their opinions, since they risk to be discriminated or bullied."

I am so sick and tired of all this. I belong to a minority (even among Christians), who is not vaccinated. Of course, I believe the virus is for real, but there are bigger things going on in our world in the political arena. Some days I feel low, exhausted, anxious and frustrated. We need to pray for and encourage one another!

Tanja boosted

So tomorrow is a big deal here in France. The vaccine pass has been in place since July 21st for larger venues like museums. But now its required to have the pass (QR code on your phone) to be able to go to restaurants, cafe's, and small venues as well. Grocery stores are exempt at this point. There are protests, of course. Tuesday, the leadership of the cafe/church will have a meeting to discuss whether to close or comply. There is a lot of confusion and fear about how to even implement a compliance, should they choose that option.

Tanja boosted

Read Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand. After learning about the type of Juche communism in NK it’s amazing to read this original take on the earliest form of Christian persecution from communists.

“Communism is demonic”, is common to hear, but I often feel when people say “demonic” they aren’t really being literal. It’s more like they’re using the word to get the point across that it’s just evil &wrong in the worst immoral way.

This is what Wurmbrand says:
“What the Communists have done to Christians surpasses any possibility of human understanding. I have seen Communists whose faces while torturing believers shone with rapturous joy. They cried out while torturing the Christians, “We are the devil!”
We wrestle not against flesh & blood but against the principalities and powers of evil. We saw that communism is not from men but from the devil. It’s a spiritual force-a force of evil-& can only be countered by a greater spiritual force, the Spirit of God.” Amor vicit omnia

Tanja boosted

About transgenderism in children. Parents and professionals are raising their concerns, since it's irreversible and the child is mutilated for the rest of its life (unable to have children, or to be fully a man or a woman). For instance: professionals are threatening parents with the sentence: "Do you want a dead daughter or a live boy?" (Or vice versa). But studies show that the suicide risk increases with transition - not that transitioning a child to the opposite gender is the only solution to identity problems/gender disorder. One documented side effect of puberty blockers is depression. There is no scientific evidence that 'gender affirmation therapy' is a solution.

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