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I ask prayer for the Nation of Haiti.. especially for pastor Remy & his family.. as they are approaching anarchy! … gangs have taken over the nation & violence is rampant..turning to belief in Jesus is the answer!

Ramin prayed over me at church a few years ago and helped heal my terminal neurological disorder. His ministry, Hope of Israel, is looking to establish a church in Israel. If you could pray for him, his wife, and those he witnesses to that would be great.

SOS! One of our daughters living in a Tibetan Buddhist dominated area, is quite sick. For her healing, protection and for her studies.
Demonic activities, attacks are common.
High level of witchcraft, black magic, occultic practices and sacrifices are common
Few times she was admitted in the hospital recently.
@Olamide @MaryMamuzich (please tag our friends, who are in the direct message chat).

Don't know if anyone has posted this
Pastoral -BTJ - Deling Update (a part of the mail)

"DELING UPDATE The wife of Bro. Yun of The Heavenly Man, Sister Deling, is still hospitalized. Her body is still weak ("weal"?) and in need of strengthening before any more procedures. They have here under constant care and observation. Do continue to pray for the restoration of her health."

Powerful sermon on suffering for Christ. Jump to 1hr 34 mins if you don't have time to watch the entire sermon. Jack Hibbs was invited to pray for the US Congress by Speaker Mike Johnson. He received a letter from liberal CA congressmen banning him from coming back. Please pray for him, his church, and the United States, especially those who haven't accepted Christ as their Savior.

Go on FB to see gender of great grandchild and i get a sponsored Trump ad that FB apparently took money to show me, so i try to share it and they block me from sharing it and restrict me for another 6 days -> back home we call that election fraud, election manipulation, election tampering, etc. & it is against the law!!!!!!!!!

Protect precious children from being attacked by wild animals! Pray and Help WIth This Much Needed Toilet Block Construction Work in India

Help precious children avoid being attacked by wild animals while going to the bathroom!
For several years, children at our Christ's Mandate for Love Campus in India, led by our dear friend, Pstr. Melchishua Paul used to go into the bush for the toilet. As we are near to the forest, we have faced serious problems. One precious young girl was attacked by a lion, and this year the children fear roving wild pigs, simply using primitive outdoor facilities to go to the bathroom!

Leviticus 26:6 I will give you peace in the land, and you will be able to sleep with no cause for fear. I will rid the land of wild animals and keep your enemies out of your land.


 Sister Deling, Bro. Yun's wife, has been hospitalized and is need of the healing Presence of our dear Lord.

Deling is in a very weak and serious condition. Local family is with her
Do join us in prayer for the healing Presence of our gracious LORD be released upon her. Pray for Father's kindness, mercy and grace through Holy Spirit cover the extended family. In the Name of Jesus our Healer!!
Copied from the email alert

"Merry Christmas from China – 600 People, Mostly Women, Sent Back to North Korea to Face Torture

Eugene 20 h

China just carried out the largest deportation of North Koreans in years, most of them women, sending them back to North Korea. They have not been heard from since.

According to recent reports from a Seoul-based human rights group, China sent about 600 people back to North Korea after Pyongyang ended their lockdown. North Korea views the repatriated refugees as traitors and they face torture, sexual violence, and death when they return.

Reports from BTJ missionaries inside North Korea share that many in the country are starving to death this winter. The economy has suffered greatly from the extreme Covid lockdowns. North Korea was the first nation in the world to shut down and the last to open up. The number of people who died from the pandemic in the country is still not known." ->

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