Jesusgirl boosted
Jesusgirl boosted

@Jesusgirl Welcome aboard Damaris and were a rowdy bunch and vocal bunch... but we love Jesus and freedom. Speak your mind and we’re with you!

Jesusgirl boosted

Thank you so much!!!
Lots of warm hellos to my new Forever Brothers and Sisters✨
I need guidance my beautiful Eternal Fam❣️🙏 on navigating through DingDash😃
Hopefully soon I can dedicate some time on DingDash..Just working way lots...I’m in healthcare and time is so fleeting...I’ll be back Asap😍
I love JESUS, Israel and my GOD Family🙏❣️
Blessings and love in our LORD,

Jesusgirl boosted
Jesusgirl boosted

"Every form of true liberty is a Christian value. These are liberty apples, and there is no obtaining these apples from any place other than the liberty orchard. That orchard was planted by the Lord Jesus, and has been tended by His people ever since." - Douglas Wilson

Jesusgirl boosted

Our final day of prayer! While you’re doing your final Christmas preparations, please take a moment to share in our unending burden to pray for China.

As we are ready to celebrate, thousands will be forced to celebrate in silence. As we gather with our loved ones, our brothers and sisters are spending Christmas persecuted and alone in a prison cell.

Jesusgirl boosted

This Christmas Eve feels a little bit like we are going back in time with my son getting a record player and his first vinyl record.

Thank you so much!!!
Lots of warm hellos to my new Forever Brothers and Sisters✨
I need guidance my beautiful Eternal Fam❣️🙏 on navigating through DingDash😃
Hopefully soon I can dedicate some time on DingDash..Just working way lots...I’m in healthcare and time is so fleeting...I’ll be back Asap😍
I love JESUS, Israel and my GOD Family🙏❣️
Blessings and love in our LORD,

Jesusgirl boosted

So many ppl coming home to DD!!! I'm excited to get to know all of you! We share blessing, burdens, (corny jokes) and help each other when our hearts are breaking. Welcome home!

Jesusgirl boosted
Jesusgirl boosted
Jesusgirl boosted

HEY DINGDASH FAMILY! Lets give a BIG welcome to our newest users @ubongekpo, @Lisa, @Jesusgirl, @jirehgerch, @AngryBaby, @medicinalwithprinciple, @Gvarghese, @FriscoBoston, @LetsloveGod!
WELCOME! We are so excited that you have decided to join our small family.

Jesusgirl boosted
Jesusgirl boosted
Jesusgirl boosted

Good morning y'all! It's a great day to be alive. What are you going to do with the time God has given you today? When you have some down time, what can you do to make it count? Across the world, disciple makers have to work throughout their day to survive, but somehow, they still manage to make disciple makers in the midst of their day. Let's rise up to the challenge and disciple someone in our life today.

Jesusgirl boosted
Jesusgirl boosted

this morning as we attend Sunday worship service, let's remember the 10s of thousands of children in Yemen that are dying. According the UN, this is the worst humanitarian disaster on the planet and Yemen is on the cusp of losing an ENTIRE GENERATION of children. LET US - THE CHURCH - BE A VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS.

Jesusgirl boosted

This breaks my heart. Here in the UK no one can even enter my home without my permission, imagine a group of men entering (carrying weapons) and forcing my family to leave. How can these families live in peace when their own homes are taken from them?

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