
This is WILD!!! Type in your search engine and Joe Biden's Presidential site comes up.
No joke. Try it.


You're right! When I search Google using "" does go right to "" !!!
Isn't that something? Maybe they use the same campaign management?

@Jf_dream right? I thought it was a joke, but NOPE! also, i looked it up on fact checking website and snopes said, "Mostly True". - mostly true? it is COMPLETELY TRUE. this is why we cannot trust snopes to be honest - when fact-checkers need to be fact-checked.

@sinbach @Jf_dream I checked and a site said __A website called redirects straight to Joe Biden's presidential campaign website. Users on social media noticed that when one types in " ", you're redirected to Joe Biden's official campaign. someone else stated that it was a prank being pulled by some pranksters!!😂 😂 🤣 If I simply type in and try to search for it my computer bogs down.

@speakthetruth @Jf_dream the snopes article was dated August 12, which means it has been more than 2 weeks. that say to me that it is not a prank, but policy.

@sinbach @speakthetruth

It does seem strange, after this long a time, that it's been missed?
You'd think dnc or Google would have noticed and made changes?

@sinbach lol. Saw this advert on the Babylon Bee earlier today....made me chuckle!

Andy B

@sinbach Just tried it. Apparently, Antifa is supporting his campaign for in the upper right hand corner it states 'go to Joe Biden campaign site.'

@sinbach Democratic party is behind them. That's the reason they have not combining all the violence, until now they can't cover it anymore. Christians really need to pray for America and the awakening of all the other Christians to pray. When you listen to what Clinton and other Democrats say, They are saying that Trump would not leave the office when he lose the election. I believe that they are mobilizing people to have a civil war to overturn Trump if Biden doesn't win.I am happy to be wrong

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