today, while on a God enabled holiday in Scotland, we met up with our dear friend, Alan - @DevotionalTreasures
It struck me hard – as I went to bed last night – feeling utterly tired, frustrated and exhausted from another episode of unpleasant palpitations, that I shouldn’t be having by now, because I had a 95% chance of them fading to nothing within 8 weeks after heart surgery.
What did I have to be thankful for?
As I lay there, fed up, finishing what should have been a weekend of rest for us as a family, after 6 months of relentless pressure and strain, that I did not have anything to be thankful for.
prayers appreciated
Steven (my 20 year odl son) is awaiting surgery for what they believe is an inguinale hernia
He woke in severe pain around 0530, soJo rushed him to hospital
His heart rate was high, but that settled eventually
And being woken at 0530 also triggered palpitations for me
so i had to back to bed as Jo drove to hospital
He is now due for surgery "soon"
Praiuse God for answered prayer, though - i saw a lovely message praying for us. but when i was nudged to back and read it out loud my palpitations ceased immedeately
Andy B
My website/blog has been refreshed. Sign up and get my latest 500 Word Blog posts - 500 words, no more, no less. They come out every Monday from 8pm. - The Man, The Husband, The Father, The Son
I've been a bit busy launching and growing @pure247radio but as we near our first birthday celebrations I'm getting back to writing those blog posts, and my Andy B 2 Minute Videos. They're all on @Berrybunchfamily and fresh material will start appearing soon.
Photo with @StevenBerry taken yesterday
Much more tired today. But the heart surgery went well with zero complications. Out same day, Praise God.
Today I'm weak, but still pain free and walking is more normal now - will try for another short walk today when the temperature drops a bit.
But I did have heart surgery 52 hrs ago, so not too bad considering.
God is good!!
#recovering #BBHQ #feelingloved #gettingthere #heartsurgeryrecovery #Pure247Radio #teamwork
The Gathering 2024
you can see our set up in the one photo - we managed all 9 hours of regular Live radio on Friday, and an extra 9 hours on the Saturday with something like 20-30 people I was honoured to speak with
we also celebrated Christmas on the Saturday with snow falling in hte big tent, in June....we joined in by switching our tunes and jingles to our christmas selection from 8 til 9pm
The Gathering is like nothing i've ever known before. 2,000 guys, in a field near Swindon and the one recurring comment? blokes loving a pint, in a field, in the sun, worshipping God
and 120 men gave their lives to God, or recommited their lives
evern seen a double encore for more worship? yep. Graham Kendrick gave the blokes one more song to finish, after the event had run WAY over time
the cheer for each choice was so great he said they'd do both
man. the noise and joy and excitement of 2,000 men wanting to sing, at the top of their lungs, to the God the love
wow. just wow if you can come, and I did meet one chap who was from Colorado...
Fancy listening to an interview with the one and only Eugene Back @sinbach of @Backtojerusalem ?
then you only have to wait until tomorrow (26th June 2024) - from 4pm - on my drivetime show and, if you miss it (or your time zone doesn't make it work well for you) it'll be published on our radio YouTube and Podcast channels later the same day
this one should be good fun!
links for all those can be found on our radio website -
Andy B
as a follow on from chatting with @bethany from @Backtojerusalem i'll be chatting with @sinbach soon too
should be fun...😊
Andy B
My interview with Bethany? In case you missed it, you can watch it here -
This afternoon from 4pm (UK) I'll be chatting with Back to Jerusalem's very own @bethany about DingDash, Back to Jerusalem and more.
We'll upload the video to our Pure247Radio Youtube and Podcast channels later today.
Listen Online, via Smart Speaker or on our free to download App (Google or Apple)
Andy B
looking forward to be9ing here next weekend -
and our first festival as and i'm delighted we've been invited as guests of the Headline Sponsor - Barnabas Aid
afternoon Dingdashers
our move went well and we're nearly finished making this house a full on BerryBunch home!
a few photos from our first couple of weeks
I do love the interviews I get to conduct each week on my drivetime show - usually 3 every week 🙂 and always available same day on our YouTube and Podcast channl so you can hear, and see, my lovely guests
today, why caffeine is such a good thing (with Dr Richard Scott GP)
tomorrow, i get to chat with Mark Mitchell (something to do with cars and Chester 😉 )
and Thursday will be my regular conversation with Anne Laure Jackson (about sensory health)
and next week we've got another Andy B meets... with Tim Jupp (formerly of Delirious and now a little involved with Big Church Festival!) plus my regular chats with Richard and Anne
Did I mention I love my job?!?
Did you know we've now published more than 100 interviews for your education; your enjoyment; your edification; your entertainment?
only on
car broke down...God provided a replacement before we'd started praying for one
brougth that back last weekend - now we need to sort importing/registering for use in the UK
meanwhile we've got 4 festivals/gatherings this year to attend as
So far we can announce that Barnabas Aid invited us to attend alongside them at the Big Church Festival (UK)
we'll let you know about others as we can
but if you want to keep in touch with what the BerryBunch are doing with Pure247Radio why not sign up to our newsletter for some uplifting content:
Hey up ding dashers - how's things for you today?
We've just celebrated 6 months since launching the radio station that God laid on our heart last February.
He has equipped, and supported us at every turn. It has been the impossible made possible and I'm daily.overwhelmed by the ooportiGkd puts our way; the door He opens; the people we've met...
Here's to the next 6 months.
Andy B
Fire up your faith with the BerryBunch - This is who we are. This is what we do! For free, for all!
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch