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@Kruselady we're so blessed by our boys and their shared love for Jesus

Andy B

@faith20 Thankyou my brother 🙂

We are indeed blessed! How can we not be blessed, with friends like you from around the world!!

@Berrybunchfamily Dear friends, you are a family blessed by the Lord. We love you and ask God to continue blessing you in Christ.

Marie Monsen describes the power of prayer. She points out the importancy of really believing the word of God: what He says is the truth. And that faith comes by hearing,so to speak out God's promises builds up our faith.
I was picking blueberries in the forest. I had no insect poison with me. But when I reached the forest I very quickly realized the mosquitos were there to hunt my blood. I got disappointed and thought I'd have to give up. But then I remembered Marie Monsen! So I asked God if there's a verse fitting my situation now. The only thought that came up was "The plagues of Egypt don't belong to God's children". I thought: "This is not a direct verse from the Bible", but then I admitted,this same thought is there,in Exodus. So I started speaking it out, even made a song about it and continued. A mosquito would land on my hand and I could just blow it away. Finally the wind came to my help! When finished,not a single insect had eaten me,praise God! At home I found Ex. 8:17-19.

@tymektt thanks Tym. Really appreciate that.

Today I am just so tired. But I am so relieved to see Jo so much more relaxed after SUCH a day.

She said the pain wasn't that bad. When a nurse pushed her to give it a number, from 0 to 10, Jo said it was about a 9 to 10...

So fairly extreme pain then! You'd hardly have known if she hadn't told you

That's my Jo!!

So tired this morning!

Jo's on pain meds. Pale, worn, tired, but getting better. Praise God!

We're up and about and recuperating.

@faith20 Thankyou my friend

Just woken body is worn out!!

Plenty of resting today is planned

@Berrybunchfamily Dear brother Andy, I have now read your messages. My wife and I pray that the pain will pass completely and permanently in the name of Jesus. And we pray that God will get your money back, in the name of Jesus. We embrace you all in Christ. God bless you. 🙏

@KarlGessler not the greatest of days...still all sorted in the end

You gotta laugh about it ,or you'll cry

@Berrybunchfamily may the Lord's healing hands be upon her!! Glad you're home!!

Update on Jo

Firstly, thanks for your prayers. Truly. She felt them!!

Secondly you couldn't make up our day!!

She was discharged and forgotten about so we were actually there for 13 1/4 hours (they assumed she had left...sadly another woman got forgotten about in the morning due to the same issue - WAY too many people wanting to access the hospital).

They don't know what caused such bad pain in Jo, and there are way too many possibles so they have given her strong pain medication. If it comes back, plus any other symptoms, we go back to see a doctor.

On our way out we paid for the medication and they took twice the amount. But their card machines are new and they were unable to refund they had to take lots of details so they can get the hospital finance team to lay us back the difference.

What a day! Now, where's my bed?!?

Andy B

Update on Jo: I'm guessing we have another 4-6 hours to go yet. Today started at 4am

She's had intravenous paracetamol which helped take the worst if the edge of the pain from her and she's not been sick today (she is nil by mouth right now too)

Looks like she has an infection, but they're not currently sure what or where so we have a few more steps to go until they can narrow it down

She is feeling the prayers of the saints today, so thank you.

Andy B

@tymektt blood tests suggest possibly something of an infection

They're checking that a bit more first

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