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@tymektt will do. They've ruled out some things. She's had intravenous paracetamol which has at least taken the edge off the pain, which is good.

Blood work was ok, but they're checking a couple of things which weren't quite they'd like to see

Had to bring Jo to accident and emergency (ER) due to stomach pain that caused her to vomit a few times yesterday. It's not a pain she's experienced before.

We've seen a triage nurse and are now waiting for her to be seen by a's far beyond very busy here, so we have many hours yet to wait (they have already taken bloods to check out)

I'm running on two hours sleep as Jo was sick at 4am and I took a while to get to bed and to sleep before that

Prayers would be appreciated

Andy B

S05E005, Timing is Everything, Enduranc

On this episode, we talk about how to have timing in our spiritual walks.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

Go Deeper
In this week’s GoDeeper Steven relates queuing, waiting for the bus, and being on hold to those times or seasons of waiting in life.

He goes on to emphasise the importance of God’s timing compared to our own timing, because ultimately, God sees the bigger picture.

Sometimes we can feel as though we are waiting for ages for something that we have prayed for, but we must trust God. Other times we can feel like we are not ready for something, like a calling, but again we must trust God.

Steven concludes that ultimately, we need to trust in God and in His timing. [READ MORE]

Steven and Nathan

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We were chatting over poker and I asked the table what the name was for people who don't know how to talk to other people

"Welcomers in church" was Steven's reply, dead serious lol

Before we all started laughing

Tonight we'll try a new church out

Would genuinely appreciate your prayers m we know on our Spirit that we need to go

We also know that not one of us wants to go. This is definitely an act of obedience!

Andy B

S02E005, God our Defender, Family Prayer Time

In this fifth episode of the new season, Peter & JoJo get together to encourage us, as always - to pray as a family – and in this series by using the Book of Psalms. This time, Pete and Jo read the whole of Psalm 5, twelve verses this time.

This is another Psalm written by King David who is asking God to defend him against the lies of his enemies. JoJo likens this to someone calling us names at school and being bullied by another person in the playground. God coming to our rescue is like when someone else in the playground, maybe someone bigger or older, comes to stand up for us and help us against the person making accusations and using hurtful words. [READ MORE]

Peter and Jo Jo

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S05E005, Endurance, Coming Up, 14.08.2022, Timing is Everything

What's coming up in our next Endurance Podcast?

On this episode, we talk about how to have timing in our spiritual walks.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

Join us for Endurance: Sundays from 4pm!

Steven and Nathan

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S02E004, It’s Gone Pear Shaped, Marriage Matters

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo face the fact that things can go wrong and use the phrase ‘pear shaped’ to describe difficulties in marriage. Jo wants us to know that they are not being ‘pearist’ and have nothing against pears! And, as usual, Jo and Andy share their own experiences to encourage and support us in celebrating marriages in spite of these unattractive problems and help us find a healthy way to grow our marriages.

In this episode, Andy and Jo encourage us to keep going in our marriages and work at creating peace and harmony in the home in spite of problems and to let understanding and forgiveness rule.

Andy and Jo

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@davereimer honestly Dave, we still don't know how to respond to this gift. I've never known anything that performs like this

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 11.08.2022

Not all that is new is better. Not all that is old is bad.

Andy B

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God is so good!!

Am super excited right now............a gift for our ministry from a dear Christian supporter - our very own, brand new computer for our BerryBunch family ministry for all those videos we edit each week.

Can't wait to open up the box and get this bad boy set up!!!

And its really highly specced too, so will be perfect for all those computer heavy editing things we do so frequently.

God is good and this is an answer to a prayer we began two years ago when we started this online ministry, which now sees something like 20,000 visits to our wee little website each week from real, alive, people....that's humbling in and of itself!!

This gift is so much more than we could have ever hoped to achieve. And now it's even more for God's glory and His kingdom.

Andy B

: All expense holidays, while unemployed

God loves to show off – just look in a mirror. He made you to be a little bit like Him, and He thinks you’re truly amazing.

See, I told you He likes showing off. There isn’t a single person who is just like you: God hand crafts us with purpose, and on purpose to be both unique and fully capable of everything He desires us to do!

Testimony: All expense holidays, while unemployed
When you’re unemployed, and desperately trying to find employment, the last thing on your mind is a holiday. Although, actually, it is often very needed – because unemployment has to be one of the single most stressful places you can ever find yourselves in. Particularly when your job was taken from you, rather than surrendered by you. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 10.08.2022

Just because we can, doesn’t mean to say we should.

Andy B

It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.

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