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Posted by our friend:

Please join us in praying for this missionary family in Brazil. Phil, the father has Covid and is doing poorly. The medivac team assessed him last evening and determined he was too sick to survive the trip. He’s in critical condition.

This dad is a close friend of several of our friends. Join us in praying for a miracle.

My cousin, just a few years older than I am (I’m 55) went into the hospital 2 weeks ago. She was put on life support shortly afterwards. She just passed away at 2 AM this morning. Drs don’t know the cause of death. They didn’t know what was making her sick. Please pray for her family.

Darkness makes its presence known by shouting. But the light shines all the brighter, no matter the volume 🙂

So, what's the last prayer God answered for you, in your life, or the life of your family? Let's encourage one another - post a comment for all DingDashers.

For the BerryBunch - God, unequivocally, provided the home we needed, when we couldn't find one! Such peace, when fear was all around us!

Andy B

Our latest of your Baby and Toddler Group, wherever you are and whenever you want to attend!

Free to access as always - with Story Time, Art Time and Song Time.

In Season 3, Episode 2, of Little Blessings Online, Jo and Andy and their team do a double take – a burning bush that doesn’t burn – what! Another amazing episode!

Art Time
We have found a way to create our own Burning Bush – well we have paper flames and a light that makes it look like it! Join Jo in drawing a simple bush – a brown truck and a big green- well bushy bush!

Story Time
Andy B tells us about another miracle, this time a guy called Moses saw this bush when he was out with his sheep. What was interesting was that the bush didn’t burn up – it was in perfect shape, even though it was on fire. It’s alright Moses didn’t burn himself – he was a sensible shepherd, not a silly shepherd!

Andy and Jo and the

3 Easy Ways to make friends on DingDash!
#1. Create REAL profile pic. No one likes making friends with picture of cross or a scenic path in the woods. It's weird. It's even harder to engage you when you leave your photo blank. We feel like we can know you if we can see your face.
#2. MAKE NEW FRIENDS. Click on Home, Timeline or if you are feeling frisky - Federated Timeline and find people posting things that interest you. Click on their profile and click the button to follow them. Comment on their post.
Go ahead. You can do it. They won't bite.
#3. RELAX. Don't make ALL your posts about religion, politics, and the end of the world. Share about hobbies, pets, food, interests, or give tips on restaurants in your area.
I LOVE this community and want to get to know as many of you as possible.

Our area in China is under lockdown. Please pray as it is much much harsher than North America

God has Not given us a Spirit of fear, but of a love, power and a sound mind (self disciplined)...

Keep your reactionary emotionalism in check, in times of high stress, a knee jerk reaction can do allot of damage to yourself and others. Selah (pause and consider) think and pray before you make any life changing decisions.
Love & Prayers

We broadcast a live Prayer time, on weekdays - currently from 1pm (UK), via our Facebook channel

We take maybe 15-20 minutes to pray through things in the world, close to home and to give thanks to God too!

So what can we pray for?

The BerryBunch

We broadcast a live Prayer time, on weekdays - currently from 1pm (UK), via our Facebook channel

We take maybe 15-20 minutes to pray through things in the world, close to home and to give thanks to God too!

So what can we pray for?

The BerryBunch

We broadcast a live Prayer time, on weekdays - currently from 1pm (UK), via our Facebook channel

We take maybe 15-20 minutes to pray through things in the world, close to home and to give thanks to God too!

So what can we pray for?

The BerryBunch

We broadcast a live Prayer time, on weekdays - currently from 1pm (UK), via our Facebook channel

We take maybe 15-20 minutes to pray through things in the world, close to home and to give thanks to God too!

So what can we pray for?

The BerryBunch


In Season 3, Episode 1, of Little Blessings Online, Jo and Andy and their team look at how amazing things are, how amazing we all are and something super amazing – a miracle! Prepare to be amazed!

Art Time
We have another super sweet, and simple, art project – sweet because it involves icing sugar! This is what you will need to make ‘Iced Parting of the Sea biscuits’ – Now that’s a mouthful!
Iced Parting of the Sea Biscuits

- 100g Icing sugar
- 10-15 ml water
- 10-15 ml Blue food colouring
- Plain biscuits – digestives

- Chocolate spread

Story Time
Andy B tells the story of the Miracle – Parting of the Red Sea. This time without the Story Book; totally from memory – will Andy B get anything wrong?

Andy and Jo and the

We broadcast a live Prayer time, on weekdays - currently from 1pm (UK), via our Facebook channel

We take maybe 15-20 minutes to pray through things in the world, close to home and to give thanks to God too!

So what can we pray for?

The BerryBunch

I missed off the title!

"Something 4 Sunday LITE", Series 3, Episode 1

Andy B

Steven puts today's S4S LITE in context - a golden bull, Moses, some tablets and changing God's mind.

Andy B explores Exodus 32 v 7-14 and digs into what God changing His mind is all about.

In , Steven & Nathan give us 3 challenges for the week ahead and share a couple of personal experiences to help us all to GoDo and get deeper in our relationship with God:

1. Steven encourages us read the whole of Exodus 32 for ourselves.

2. Nathan suggests praying for a person or situation, for a week - or until the prayer is answered.

3. Steven reminds us that God always hears our prayer, whether it seems like it or not.

The BerryBunch -


Feeling quite chuffed with my efforts these past few days.

I've been pretty busy the past few days making videos that wrap around the videos we regularly make. Season 3 Episodes needed some refreshing doing to a few things.

This little mini video (20 seconds) is one we stick at the end of lots of the videos we make. DingDash, of course, makes an appearance! ;-)

Loving the creativity God puts inside each of us!

Andy B

It's not what you believe that counts. It's what you do. Even the devil believes Jesus rose from the grave.

My husband left this earth on Saturday morning, died in his sleep 💔With a broken heart that only my Savior will be able to mend—- my best friend & husband (31yrs married). He was healthy. But he had an abnormal rare heart rhythm issue for many years. I thought we would grow old together. He was an example of God’s love to all who knew him. Because of him I could believe that God would love me forever. Right now my mind can’t comprehend my future without him. I appreciate your prayers.

God is good. And He always hears our prayers. Sometimes they get answered rapidly. Sometimes the miracle takes longer to set up.

But God always hears our prayers!!!

Andy B

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