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Those joining us in prayer for the nation of Iran need to be aware that Honor Killings are a massive problem.

@sinbach I pray God provide the tools for the Gospel of Truth to reach those in chains of darkness! I pray the love of Jesus be shouted from heart to heart.. that many will believe that God loves them so much that He sent his only begotten Son Jesus to pay for their sins.. if they believe to repentance to walk with Him!

Fascinating discussion of China's struggle with the effects of corrupt Western culture and wealth inequality in an article almost 4 months old, for me highlighting the need for the Gospel especially among young, educated Chinese.
It's a long article. Wang Huning became disillusioned with America as a visiting scholar at a time when for most Chinese "the moon was more round in America" (meaning everything's great) but he saw the negative effects of individualism, loss of family and tradition, and wealth inequality. Now he's in a high government position as they try to deal with the same rootless individualism, nihilism, and wealth inequality he saw in the west.

I don’t know about you, but whenever I see a Jewish person listening to the words of Yeshua I am immediately filled with a sense of hope and anticipation. I feel as if Jesus did: will this Jewish man or woman finally come to me? Will they look at my words and see me or believe what they’ve been told from others and continue to refuse my name? This hope intensifies whenever I watch videos like this. I believe that if I ever had the opportunity to lead a Jew to Jesus I would weep with gratitude and thankfulness. Not that they received Jesus only, but that I would have such a privilege. Lord bless your people. Though you stumble them with the rock of your salvation be the humility they need to see their salvation in you while they lay in the ground. Amen.

Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994)
We live too much in this world. We're earthbound. How many of us know someone who is eternity conscious? What America needs is somebody who will go through every church in the country and preach for a week on eternity: Preach one day on
the Judgment Seat of Christ. Preach one day on
the Judgment of believers. Preach one day on
the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Again, I've
told you before, I don't just want to go to heaven,
I want to go to…

Went to see my step-dad on the covid floor at the hospital today.
I felt pretty official.

Please keep my fellow Coloradans in your prayers. Thousands lost their homes yesterday in fires. Should be getting some snow in a few hours, which should help.

Jihadists Decapitate Pastor, Force Wife to Carry His Severed Head
According to military sources, suspected Islamic extremists decapitated a pastor in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique last Wednesday, and forced his wife to carry his head to the police station.
Dec 20, 2021

There is a 🔥Bible Revival🔥 Taking Place in Asia, Middle East, and Africa. People are more hungry than they have ever been. ✞✞
That is why we are more focused that we have ever been to get the Bible into more hands than ever before. 🙌 🙌 🙌
2022 is the year of the Illegal Bible. 🗡
Join us in prayer as we support, smuggle, and distribute the World's Most Banned BOOK.

"Don't pray for the success of America! Pray for the repentance of this nation!" -Brother Yun in Orlando Florida today

Be grateful, even for the small things you can accomplish

Today I'm making our bed.

Last time I tried to tidy it up, I had my first cut to deal with while on blood thinners - from a bolt that holds the frame together.

But I'm learning to get on with what I can do, when I can do it, and be peaceful when - like this morning - I felt a little in need of a bit more rest.

But this afternoon that extra resting (not my favourite ever!!!!!!) has paid off as I'm able to, slowly but surely, put fresh bedding on our bed.

For me that is an achievement, and one that I'm feeling very blessed to be able to do today.

I've even organised the table dryer loaded, loaded the washing machine myself.

Small things, but important. And each one I feel blessed to be able to do, as I start to get back with the idea of living.

So, put really simply count your blessings!!

Andy B

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