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Go to war we shall! On our knees!
Praying for these very lost witch ladies who are all blinded by Satan. Praying for their souls and praying for the Lord to dispel their wicked incantations - the only power of which will lead them to death and hell. If there are any other prayer points for this situation, please post so that we can all join together in one mind and heart to pray against the powers of darkness that are controlling these ladies. Thanks be to God that the Light of Christ and the ocean of God's love is stronger than the deepest darkness (loosely paraphrased from Corrie Ten Boom). 🙏 🙏 🙏

BTJ is providing thousands of hand-cooked meals to refugees.
A BIG THANK YOU to all of our loving supporters who make this possible.

For our friends near Nashville - TOMORROW is the last day of the book tour with Mariam Ibraheem.
2 Sunday Services with Grace Center Church in Franklin TN is going to be a BLAST. Pastor Jeff Dollar has been a long-time friend and BTJ supporter. CAN'T WAIT!

So you don't think the war in Ukraine isn't spiritual warfare?
Think again.
We need prayer warriors like NEVER before during these last days.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Prayers are needed as this woman's testimony is changing lives!

Since they're burning the tower of Babel, Dr. Mercola (I understand he's a Christian) has an interesting and frightening article on transhumanism today.
It's long, it will only be up for 33 hours, and I haven't read it all, but there's things about interfacing people with the internet, loss of free will, and seeking immortality through their own efforts instead of God's grace -- not a good thing for people who have eaten the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil to also eat of the tree of life in their fallen state.

'Tulsi Gabbard Slams Biden For Dangerous Biolab ‘Cover Up’ in Ukraine

“Here are the undeniable facts,” said Gabbard. “There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release and spread deadly pathogens to US/world.”

“We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured and pathogens destroyed,” she added.

(Representative pictures) .
Miraculously we found a 'carrier' to take Bibles to a new 10/40 window Nation.
Word of God is powerful, abundant sowing is mandatory, no compromise!!!

In this episode @sinbach talks about the war and the refugee crises in Europe. I feel honoured and touched that he makes comparisons with, and tell about, the Finnish Winter War during WWII against the Russian army. ❤️ 🙏 There are few that can place Finland (and many other foreign countries) on a map, and Eugene knows not only where the countries are, but also have visited them and knows a lot of details about them.

Please pray for Finland and Sweden, for protection! I don't know what could possibly happen, but these days are traumatic/emotional for Finns, both because of the former wars against Russia, and because of the indirect threaths Putin has uttered.

Please pray for our president Sauli Niinistö that will leave for the USA tomorrow for an appointment with Joe Biden! (I shared a statement from our president in an earlier post today). As you might know Finland and Sweden are among the few nations in Europe that are not members of NATO.

The BTJ Business as Mission Model is catching on as countries become more and more closed and the supply chain breaks down.

Is there any hope for our nation ?
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26)

Putin takes it to the next step and threatens Finland and Sweden.
I am older, fatter, slower, and a little harder to hide, but if Sweden is looking for trained scout snipers, I can still serve.

Happy Tuesday, er, Twos-day
2022-2-22 or 2/22/2022 for us Americans.
You won't see a day with more 2s for 200 years! 😀

Guys, whether you acknowledge it or not, this single event in history is changing the future of the Middle East FOREVER.
The final frontier of missions is getting smaller.

My wife and I had a premature child (26 week term, now 4 weeks post gestation)
Baby needs a blood transfusion. Blood banks, while asking Vax status and supplier, claim they are not sorting donor blood and you cannot request 'clean' blood. (free from mRNA and graphene oxide)

We NEED a type O negative donor for our son, anywhere within the continental US, who is:

Not vaccinated for covid
Blood Type = O negative
No serious disease
Willing to donate blood

Facebook blocks account of African Christian Mother that was persecuted for her faith.
For posting about persecution of Christians.
FB's timing is oddly just before her book is to be released.
Let's help highlight her story even more by sharing it with others.
If you have an account on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Parlor, Gab, etc - please share this article on as many platforms as possible.

The new least democratic nation in the world?
I wonder if the new #1 will surprise others the way that it surprised me? 🤯

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