Why have 65 million left Christianity in the last 3 decades? Why does Gen Z have twice as many atheist as any other generation? Why are Christians fearful, lacking faith and full of anxiety? Would it suprise you to know that a massive amount of people who attend church in America are not Christians? Is it the seeker sensitive way of doing church that has caused this? Would it surprise you to know that the average American who attends the average church each Sunday never hears the gospel preached? Why is that? How can we reach Gen Z? How can we see America turned around? What if it is much less about trying to be relavant that matters and much more about being Biblical? Watch this and find out? https://youtu.be/-_EYF6_LB5I
@ChrisHarrison I was once in a meeting, with a group of churches planning another holiday club, together
One of their written down, stated intentions, was "to show that they were not a dead church"
I wasn't very popular during that meeting. I didn't let that one alone!!
In the UK we're dominated by coffee shops, a reliance on building hire to make money, and anything that makes the church look trendy.
1 particular scourge is Messy Church. Such a nightmare of a thing, but it's popular because it makes churches feel good cos it gets people in the building, but without actually engaging them with Jesus Christ. it's just a cheap couple of hours of childcare that generates more serious troubles than I can type out here...so many churches have grown very large ghost congregations; dozens of people who will never engage with church, but keep church people busy (it's very resource heavy!)
That one, in particular, gets me down - as someone passionate about engaging children with Jesus!
I am HORRIFIED by this story out of Afghanistan! And I don't understand why God let this happen.
At the same time, perhaps He is sowing seed in the soil of this land. Perhaps the blood of His saints will bring forth a mighty Harvest.
In case they are still alive, please pray for these brothers and sisters and orphans to be safe.
Someone shared this video here on Ding Dash and I am re-sharing in addition to boosting his ding, in hopes that more of God's people will be blessed and encouraged by what it contains. Keep pressing on, brothers and sisters. Jesus is Lord of all!
@Cherishingsparrows2020 That is wonderful! They are very committed people.
@sinbach What are your thoughts on the opening of this port?
Here is something a bit different. A picture slide show of Formonthills Woodlands near my home, and a virtual prayer walk for you.
I am often asked by some friends “What have you done today to combat racism?” or “What have you done to show you’re anti-racist?” Here’s a great article written by a black woman with the purpose of pointing out the Woke Trick in those statements...and others.
Before I called my podcast "The Faith of the Fathers," I called it "The Gospel For Planet Earth."
This is one of those older episodes but it is a MUST listen.
💯 🔥🔥
Kelsey's story is beautiful AND tragic. Kelsey went through hell before she found someone who could show her the true love of the Father. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Video testimony with english subtitles.
The Apostle Paul said to a
Congregation in Philippi: “...there wasn’t a single other church, except yourselves, that entered into a two-way partnership with me, giving and receiving.” (Philippians 4:15).
How much would our churches pay today to have the Apostle Paul come and preach? Talk about a headliner! Yet, in his own day, even many Christians were afraid to associate themselves too closely with Paul.
The faithful, mature, Church has ALWAYS been small. That doesn’t mean the church is small. Jesus described us as “sheep,” which is not flattering. But it is factual. Sheep need to be led. Don’t be discouraged if you feel alone or in the minority. If you are leading with courage and conviction, you are part of God’s “A team.” The Apostle Paul was also ostracized in his day. Today, billions of people read his words and attribute the status of “the word of God” to his letters. That is vindication!
Don’t look for the praise of men. To be praised by God is the prize.
Part 3: The pregnancy was difficult, due to damage to the placenta, etc, but her child was born and God used this experience to bring her to Himself. It was a beautiful testimony of God's love and grace. I was so moved by this story, as I saw clearly that the miscarriages were not my fault. Another thing that helped me so much was to realize that although I never got to know these first three children as I had wished to, their lives were not without meaning and purspose, however short their time may have been. God sent them to our lives as messengers and used the experiences to strengthen our marriage and to teach us more about life and about Himself and His goodness. I'm so grateful for the two children we've been able to "keep" so far. So...very....grateful!! But, although the miscarriages were painful, God worked everything together for good. There was still meaning in each of these short pregnancies even if they didn't end in the way we'd have chosen.
Part 2:
His hand was so evident throughout the pregnancy. On the day that would have been the due date for one of the babies, I had an ultrasound and learned our baby was a girl. A day that would have been a reminder of loss, was instead a day of joy and anticipation. Then, she was born 8 days before the anniversary of the miscarriage. In my husband's culture, the 8th day is a special day to celebrate the birth of the child. So, again, a day that might have brought sadness was a day of joy instead!
Another thing that has comforted my soul concerning the miscarriages was knowing our Heavenly Father understood my love for the babies in my womb. Only He can preserve life, I did not have that power or responsibility. The children are His. I watched a video testimony of a lady who aborted, maybe 2 babies and tried to abort her third. She tried 3 or 4 times, but even though they tried to scrape the baby from her womb, they were unsuccessful! She then decided to let the baby live. Continued
I don't know why, but I sense today that I'm to share something personal as it may be an encouragement to a sister going through something similar. My first three pregnancies ended in miscarriage. I had desired to one day be a mom for about as long as I can remember, so it was painful to lose these babies. I struggled with thoughts of wondering what I'd done wrong. Why do others who don't even want a child seem to have no problem? Did God not see me as qualified to be a mother? After the third miscarriage we were recommended to go to a fertility center, but neither my husband nor I had peace to do that. We realized in God's Word that He so often opened and closed the womb, so we took it to Him even more in prayer. I conceived again, even before it would seem physically likely. This time I didn't miscarry. I did battle thoughts of fear that it would happen again, but had to realize that even if that would happen God still loved me and His plans for me are for good and not ill. Continued