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As we fellowship together on this Sunday morning and remember the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, may we also remember in prayer our BTJ missionaries serving the persecuted church in North Korea.

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It is the day after Father's Day and I am troubled. I can't stop my heart from aching for all the Families who's Daddy is in jail becuase of his Faith in God! Becuase he is a Christian he can not be with his children. And on Father's Day, they sit alone....without their Daddy......


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I love Sweden, and I share stuff like this with a heavy heart. This is about other things than helping people in their deepest needs (then they would help the Yazidis etc). It’s about “extreme” immigration policies. Today Sweden is the second most violent country in Europe. Sweden used to be the safe haven for people around the world. Including my Finnish ancestors, and Jews, during the WWII. Today most of their politics are based on atheistic secular humanism, which might look good on the surface but is destructive. Have you heard that ISIS terrorists that have returned to Sweden are offered free apartments, instead of international war crime tribunals? Did you know that if they rape a woman on the street, they get short sentences and are probably not sent back to their home countries? Did you know that you can travel to Sweden (car, ferry) without any further security control. It’s easy to smuggle illegal drugs and weapons. I could go on, but no digits left.

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I am sharing at an extremely unique missions conference in Sweden this week with about 21 different organisations being represented.
I humbly ask for your prayers as we search together for new ways to cause trouble.

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Global prayer warriors, please continue to pray for my 10 year old daughter. We were sent for immediate CT scan following an ultrasound today. They were concerned about a large mass. I know that with God all things are possible. And, He has given so many reassurances through this trial. But, we are in need of prayer. My daughter, husband, 7 year old son, and myself. Thank you so very much! May God bless you.

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Sisters and brothers abroad, please pray for Bolivia, for wisdom and faith upon His people.

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It is possible to pray for and support Israel while loving the Palestinians and praying for them as well. We need not get caught up in taking sides.

Yes, I know praying for Israel comes with a promised blessing, but dare I say praying for a perceived enemy comes with a greater blessing?

Dorine boosted
Dorine boosted

@sinbach I kind of feel like when there's a thousand reasons something shouldn't work out, and it STILL does... it has to be God. I can't wait to read it once it's finished. You got this 😁🙏🏼

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@bethany I believe so too. It kind of felt ordained from the beginning, but I didnt know if that was REALLY ordination or excitement. To be completely honest with you, in the beginning stages I kind of felt "THIS IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN." I really felt that her and I didn't click. She was very guarded and I was a stranger. She also has so many people wanting to write her story and I felt insecure with her asking me. But I dared myself to take each step with a feeling in the back of my mind that it was going to stop for one reason or another. Do you know we JUST signed the contract yesterday? that is how much doubt I had that we would actually do this. We have been working on this for a couple of months, but it was only made official yesterday and now it feels more real than ever. So many things have been clicking into place in the last week that has made me also say "this is ordained by God."

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Dear prayer warriors, please continue to pray for my daughter's healing and for wisdom and God's direction for my husband and I as we seek where to get the care that will be best for her. We've been praying for a healing miracle and will plan to continue to do so. God is more than able. We need Him desperately.

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Dear DingDash family, please keep us in your prayers today. I am here in the US writing Meriam Ibrahim's story. Not an easy story. Yesterday was filled with emotion and tears as Meriam talked about being born in a refugee camp, her father brutally murdering her aunt for an honor killing, her mother being tied up for two days and raped, and her running away and hiding to escape circumcision - only to be forcefully dragged back to the village and the Muslim elders publicly witnessing her genital mutilation - and this was all before she was even 7 years old!
We can use all the prayers we can get for this project.

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Dorine boosted

This week in Egypt, terrorists posted a video showing the execution of three people. One of them was 62-year-old Coptic Christian, Nabil El-Habashy.
His crime? Helping to rebuild a church.

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Dorine boosted

🙏Urgent Prayers Needed 🙏
guys, as soon as I arrived back in Dubai, I had several messages from our team in North Korea.
They are begging for food and supplies. Things are REALLY bad right now inside North Korea.
I will be posting more details soon, but for now.... pls pray.

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Here to ask for earnest prayer on behalf of a dear missionary family in China. They cannot post for themselves. Their family is besieged with respiratory illness, several of them severely. The consequences of even being suspected of being ill like this are severe in China. This family needs the healing power that Jesus paid for on the Cross.They are weary in the battle. Please pray.

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The latest elections in Israel point to a MASSIVE social shift! -That the Israeli people are abandoning socialism for God's Word.

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🚨Urgent Prayer Needed🚨
Isolated BTJ workers in North Korea ask for prayer as money dries up and food grows scarce.

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Guys I can't give any details and I will not be posting this information on any other forum, but this week is really important to us at BTJ. we have Chinese pastors that have traveled to be together for the first time since the pandemic started last year. It is amazing to be with them and in prayer with them, but we need to plan the best way to support the church in China for this year. We do not want our own ideas, agendas, and thoughts to pollute what God has for us. Please pray for the leading and the guiding of the Holy Spirit during this time.

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