Pray for CMM missionary Blesson V who was ministering in Yemen. He writes: Do pray for my health as I have gone through a lot of beating by Isis terrorist group in Yemen so now recovering . I have broken knee and back injured as they tried to cut my throat for not accepting isalm we got into a fight and I used ak47 and escaped. Thank you

China is persecuting the church and building the biggest roadways in history.
Anything about that sentence remind you of the spread of the Gospel under the Roman Empire?

The testimonies being shared on UnitedHive every day are an amazing reminder that our God lives!

@messenjahofchrist This is deeply disturbing, but God is answering our prayers to expose the darkness so we can heal. πŸ˜­πŸ™

This is so sick and demonic. You may not want to read it all, but this has to be exposed.
This guy was "pro-life" too.
I think this is only the beginning. Bring Justice for our children, LORD.


@Overcomer you shall be known as "Brittney the Bold" β€πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸš€

Hi everyone, I'm new on DingDash. What a crazy of couple weeks it's been! I'll be honest... it's been rough for me. Are you caught between following the restrictions and following your conscience? What does Robin Hood have to do with America or the persecution of Christians? Check out my latest blog post to find an intriguing perspective on the current events and our practical response to them. 😊🏹

Masks? Could they be a very timely 'Blessing in Disguise' for the Underground House Church during a time of massive government surveillance?

A mission training center in South Korea focused on the BTJ vision is being blamed for a new virus outbreak.
The police have made arrests and the government wants to punish the mission group by making them pay $2.37 million USD.

The BTJ podcast is a raw, unedited presentation of what is happening on the mission field in the most closed nations on earth. We are one of the ONLY podcasts to record live on the field in China, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, and many other closed nations.
We tackle some of the most inconvenient topics with some of the most unlikely guests.
The BTJ podcast is currently the #1 downloaded podcast on iTunes in Israel.
Click here to find out why:

What will your city look like covered in testimonies???πŸ”₯πŸπŸ“Œ

@marktross love to see some politicians still have courage to stand up against the mobπŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻

I will never forget the morning God gave me the vision for United Hive! We love to celebrate testimonies of everyday believers stepping out to love those around them! Download our free app for Android or Apple today!🐝🐝🐝

πŸ™πŸΌ 12 Days of Christmas Prayers πŸ™πŸΌ

Today we pray for Pakistan. Pakistan holds a special place in the heart of BTJ. It is the nation where the first BTJ missionaries were martyred.

Join together with us as we pray for Pakistan and for the missionaries who continue to faithfully serve there.

Day 9:

My husband left this earth on Saturday morning, died in his sleep πŸ’”With a broken heart that only my Savior will be able to mendβ€”- my best friend & husband (31yrs married). He was healthy. But he had an abnormal rare heart rhythm issue for many years. I thought we would grow old together. He was an example of God’s love to all who knew him. Because of him I could believe that God would love me forever. Right now my mind can’t comprehend my future without him. I appreciate your prayers.

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