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Please pray for India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ ! Gospel initiatives to lead people to Christ and disciple them in the Word, giving them Tent making skills and sending them out to the neighboring countries.

Thank you for the special financial gift for the season ๐Ÿ™
The following picture is from open source.
Weekly open market in a tribal region.
Wild mushrooms and other forest produces.

Please pray for a 25 year old partially bedridden person. Her father was a Pastor.
Mother working to support her, so daytime she is alone. Please pray for her to be completely healed.

We use locally available materials to assemble a low cost system. Water scarcity, poor soil/dirt, extreme heat, limited space, the challenges are many.
Date palm to Dragon fruit, Kasava to Cucumber, we grow everything under the sun in our humble
We get more visitors coming to see the 'magical system ' where plants grow without soil.

Any idea, which country?
Bread, fish with gravy, fresh coconut mixed with Red pepper and Lentil!!!
Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Myanmar or .........

20th Karthik 2080 = 06th November 2023 In Nepal it is 20th Day of the year 2080. Month is Karthik.

Please pray for our ground team , who are ordinary people with faith and limited skills (compared to international rehabilitation teams) .
(Representative picture)

Few projects are pending , teams are ready to move in, waiting for specific travel and equipment funds.
Please pray for timely release of funds.

Bibles delivered !
Few more consignments reached the needy believers and several non-believing professionals (who paid for it).
They were safely hidden under another export/import consignment.
(Representative pictures).
Thank you for praying ๐Ÿ™

A businessman friend is applying for permits this week. Mr. Long hand is very active in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Please pray for the believers living in Conflict zones across the world ๐ŸŒŽ

Please pray for IDP 's of the world ๐ŸŒŽ Especially for the believers among the
Internally displaced people.

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