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Let Us make humankind in Our image...male and female He created them. Gen. 1:26,27

Heavenly Father,
Today we approach Your throne to ask for help for husbands and dads.
We pray husbands:
regard their own wife with concern and understanding 1 Peter 3:7

And be:
allowed to reflect -the image of God, the Father's headship 1 Cor. 11:3 and Christ's love and provision for His Church Eph. 5:25-33 - so that their wife and children are well protected (spiritually, emotionally, relationally, physically, mentally and financially) from the enemy.
the husband of 1 wife John 4:16,18; Eph. 5:24
knowledgeable and sound in faith 1 Cor. 14:35
loved, respected and honoured at home and at the city gates Est. 1:17,20; Eph. 5:33; Tit. 2:4,5; Pro. 31:23

We pray dads:
not irritate their children but instruct them, guiding and disciplining them God's way Eph. 6:4; Heb.12:10

for God has called our men folk to a life of peace 1 Cor. 7:15
We thank You Lord for them.
We ask this in Jesus mighty name. Amen

Please pray for France for the next couple days. There is a bill they are debating that will put a lot of restrictions on churches over there. The video explains the bill and how it will impact churches.

Praying family, I just found out my cousin's daughter was just diagnosed with the same condition (teratoma) that my daughter had. She is almost 8 years old. Please pray for her and for her family as well. My 10 year old daughter is continuing to recover at an amazing speed. It's truly an answer to prayer and blessing from our Heavenly Father. We are so grateful!

I qm a dinosaur when it comes to computers. I'm wanting to move my d.d. from my phone to a computer. What do I do


Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter;

Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;

Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt:

for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.

Hebrews 11:24‭-‬26 KJV

@sinbach 1am...terrible.
Bandits are having a field day!!!
Infact... about 14 schools have been closed in kaduna state!!

@Olamide this is painful. I am seeing a continual trend here. The bandits are exclusively Muslim and the children being kidnapped are mainly from Christian schools. The news is SILENT. If these were Christian gunmen raiding Muslim schools and kidnapping Muslim children - it would be wall-to-wall news in America and Europe and an international outcry like we have never seen would erupt!
Are you available tomorrow for a podcast? I would like to hear your take on this situation.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter Thank you for posting these requests. I am praying for each of these. The Good Shepherd cares for His flock.

6 July 2021
General requests .
1. An elderly Missionary couple, who are sick and discouraged. None of their children are following the Lord.
2. Denominational Churches without Pastors or leaders. Many died during the pandemic.
3. Orphans (especially children) who are suffering due to closure of orphanages and children's homes.
4. Believers who are not getting medical attention for Heart diseases, Diabetes, Kidney related and infectious diseases. Due to the collapse of government infrastructure.
5. Christian prisoners .
6. Increased violence upon ministries involved in converting Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus.

100 years ago the Chinese Communist Party launched an effort to erase God from the land of China.

Heavenly Father,
Today we pray for Your Church globally. In the season of famine we do not wish to be barren. We ask for help in comprehending the dimensions of Your love so that we will be filled with Your fulness Ephesians 3:18,19.
We desire to be full of:
Faith Acts 6:5
the Holy Spirit
Wisdom Acts 6:3
Joy, peace and hope Romans 15:13
Encouragement 2 Cor. 7:4
the fruit of righteousness Philippians 1:11
and the knowledge of Your will Colossians 1:9
In Jesus name we submit in obedience to Your plan. Amen

@sinbach pictures in that format get automatically sideways on DD. It's a little frustrating. I don't know if it takes a lot of programming to fix it? I am thankful for DD and I am so impressed with what your engineer friends have done on their spare time! But I can't help but comparing some functions with other social media... there are some things that I miss here.

5 July 2021
1. Love of God may fill the heart of team members.
2. We may not carry extra burden (Luke 10)
3. Release for those who are in temporary detention.
4. Strength for those who are facing targetted harassment.
5. Quality family time for those who were separated from the families for a long period of time.

21 Jesus conversations started by high school students this afternoon. 4 people gave their lives to Jesus! Go Surge team!! (

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