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Please pray a volunteer is travelling alone! (Not reccommended in pioneering initiatives).
For his protection and for breakthrough in the region.
Power and fresh anointing against witchcraft powers and evil schemes of the enemy.

Today is the International "Global Middle Finger to End Christianity Day"
It is interesting to note that this group of Atheists, hosting the event on Facebook didn't feel the urge to include any other religion - like - IDK - giving the Middle Finger to End Islam.
Atheists in China have been trying to end Christianity for over a thousand years.
Muslims have been trying to end Christianity for over a thousand years.
Hindus have been trying to end Christianity for over a thousand years.
All that tried - have failed. The glory of Christ will last long after the middle fingers of these young people have died and turned to dust in the ground and one day everyone in this photo will have to take a knee and bow before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

This is Part 3, of a 3-part Teaching series on Prayer and Faith.

With discussion around Fish and Chips, Sweet and Sour Sauce and Gloves and hands, Andy B does his usual and takes ordinary, every day objects and situations, and helps us dig deeper into the basics of how Faith and Prayer work together.

With a very strong reminder, and warning - from the book of James - about why we need both Faith and Prayer, Andy B encourages us to all to get on our knees more, to learn to know Jesus better.

And, just like Fish and Chips or Sweet and Sour Sauce, Faith and Prayer complement each other perfectly.

For a transcript, and a PDF version of Andy B’s PowerPoint slides, visit our website –

Andy B

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"Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and editor in chief of MedPage Today, argues that mandating vaccines for "every living, walking American" is, as of now, not well-supported by science.../... The risk of hospitalization from COVID-19 in kids ages 5 to17 is 0.3 per million for the week ending July 24, 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We also know that the risk of hospitalization after the second vaccine dose due to myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, is about 50 per million in that same age group." (Source: US

MAJOR PRAYER ALERT! A group (16 ) of intercessors from Korea is arriving in New Mexico tomorrow (Thursday) and will be praying over NM. Two of the world prayer ministries leaders will be with them, including the leader of the Billion Soul Mission. Dai Sup Han, John Robb, Brian Alarid (leader of America Prays) and others will be joining them, and they will be on with us Friday at 9 a.m. MDT. PLEASE get the word out to your networks. We've been praying for God's fire to reach America, and believe this is part of it. We'll be streaming on all channels (FB, YT, Twitter,, Roku, Apple TV.)

You ever find those books that you can't put down until you finish it? This was one of those for me - an incredible story of a woman who risked everything to follow Christ.

Bilquis Sheikh, living in Pakistan, spent most of her life searching in vain for Truth in the Quran. One day, out of curiosity, she turned to the pages of the Christian Bible.
Her life was turned upside down as a series of strange dreams sent her on a journey that would consume her heart, mind, and soul.

One woman stood up to Sharia Law, refused to back down, and won. I spent all last week with this amazing soldier of Christ and it was an amazing time reviewing her testimony.
The only thing I can say is, "GOD IS GOOD!"

Back in thailand after four months in America. God opened many doors preaching 34 times in 30 days. Only two were scheduled. I spoke at a church of 3500 and 2000 but also churches of 30. Loved them all the same. God did many miracles and many more connected to the mission. About to see revival in thailand. Will you agree with me in prayer for revival. Lasting revival.

We have some new members of DingDash - many of them (not all of them) joined yesterday from Connect Church in Bozeman and have committed to praying for our DingDash friends on the front lines.
Fellow DingDashers - please welcome @Springdam, @Bek1990, @Ron_mtskywatcher, @Jlb77, @Likeitis, @Sameaimnewway, @Grace, @Whitesitt, @SmithG1, @jvocal, @kiwidave, @TinTin, @Olukey4352, @Joey59714, @1solo, @AnalystAnalyst, @Fireball1, @Herdsman, @Sheila, @JoanLim, @Ladykenga, @Ctannoh, @Rwf, @4christ2day, @Stealth, @viliang, @intuitivemindset, @Andra, @Kaseyjessica, @MarcoClau, @Kensmithpa, @wojtekwojtek, @RoseLyn, and @elbonap

Those who know your name trust in you,for you,O Lord,do not abandon those who search for you.psalm 9v10

Father help us not to look for excuses for not sharing about your first coming, before it is too late.
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.


@erdenpilger I totally get that! But at least we can pray for one another not to lose courage, and not give up our convictions etc.

@tanjaostman I would pray, but I have no faith that the situation would change for the better. :(

But we're in the same boat yet...

Continues here: In September our government will discuss the covid passport. Mrs Henriksson, has been pushing in this direction. I wrote very kindly to her, for instance “we are many parents that are very worried about giving vaccines to 12-year-old children, as there are documented risks, like heart inflammations… it’s vaccine (Pfeizer) that is not even approved yet… I hope that our society won’t discriminate people [the passports] who choose not to have the vaccine… There are many highly educated people I know that are skeptical, but keep a low profile about their opinions, since they risk to be discriminated or bullied."

I am so sick and tired of all this. I belong to a minority (even among Christians), who is not vaccinated. Of course, I believe the virus is for real, but there are bigger things going on in our world in the political arena. Some days I feel low, exhausted, anxious and frustrated. We need to pray for and encourage one another!

@MaryMamuzich you can always enjoy the pictures! It's quite expensive and takes time to travel between the continents, if you don't live close to a bigger airport with intercontinental flights. This is what I usually want to experience when I travel: 1. Warm and sunny places by the sea (because of our winters). 2. Nature. 3. Cities. If I would go to the USA I would like to see New York- it feels epic. Then I would like to get a real experience of the country, both when it comes to nature, people and culture. Not only stay with other tourists at the most famous places. My son bought a book about recommended road trips in the States. He is also very interested in going there). I hope we will make it there one day... when we have enough time, money and aren't hindered by the pandemic or mandatory vaccines (we don't want to have it because of the known risks).

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