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I'm reading @sinbach's book right now, and the theme "from east to west" is central. It's super interesting to read about the Chinese vision to bring the gospel from China back to Jerusalem - and how it is rooted in Scripture. There are so many verses that talk about east and west, that I haven't even noticed, or heard anybody teach about. I suppose most people have not.

Just received these two pictures from the BTJ food distribution in Afghanistan.

To all my Dutch friends, this book about the amazing life of Pastor Zhang Rongliang is now available.
How did a former rising star in the Communist Party become a Christian? How did he start an underground house church movement with over 10 million believers today?
This is a powerful testimony that changed my life forever.

@Berrybunchfamily How long have you had this now? Just curious were you immunized?

Father, in the name of Jesus, I am at the brink of my Red Sea, but I thank You for the miracles that come as I face impossible situations.

I thank You for Your saving grace, Your strong right hand, and Your outstretched arm.

No one has an arm like Yours! Even as You brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea, I know You are doing the same for me.

I depend upon You to see me through. There is absolutely nothing impossible for You, Jesus.

I take courage and comfort knowing that You are my strength when I am weak.

My trust is in You, God. I take You at Your word, for Your word will not return void unto You.

Sermon Illustration: Why there is no Contradiction and Multiple Meaning of “Watch Your Back”

My Asian culture made me ask few questions. Forgive me if they are not appropriate in Western culture.

Samaritan woman went out sharing her story immediately. Man with legion of evil spirits was asked to go back / remain in Decapolis. A new believer may have to face many hardships while entering the Kingdom.
The new believer is staying with you for 11 months? I don't know the full story or background.
In our culture 3 months is the maximum we allow new believers to be dependent on the community or leader.

Finally, because we are led by the Spirit not flesh, traditions or legalistic traditions, you have the freedom to mentor new believers in your own way.
Praying for more and more souls to be added to your ministry.

Prayers are welcome for a 32 year old disciple living in our home (my husband had the privilege of sharing Jesus with him 11 months ago and afterward he was baptized and has been very eager to learn more of God's Word and share with others). Right now he is going through COVID. The rest of our family is fine. We had this sickness a year ago and I believe our immune response has been very good, praise God. Of course, we are still trying to do what we can to remain healthy. But, I wanted to ask your prayers for our family and especially for this brother in our home.

Imagine....your child leaves home for school in the morning and later that day you discover that the government detained them and all their classmates and sent them to a government quarantine camp because someone in the school was suspected of being exposed to the coronavirus.
This just happened at our sons' secondary school in Hong Kong.
No one at the school was sick.
No one from the school has tested positive.
The detention of all 120 children and sending them to a government quarantine camp was based on POSSIBLE exposure.

@Berrybunchfamily Sorry for the very late repsonse! I didn't see this until just now. But yes! Pneumonia is common. You may need antibiotics.

@KarlGessler ok

We're starting to see something of an end...very weak still, but the boys are mostly better, or at least dramatically improving

Jo and I still have a cough, although mine is worse than Jo's. Managed to have it absent all day until I ate a piece of chicken and managed to breathe a little bit of it...took me 2 hours to come back to a regular breathing pattern again after that... so frustrating as I'd worked really hard all day on that!

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