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Mrs.Kunnia lost her hearing partially. Please pray for her healing.
Wife of a senior partner, mother of 2 active teenagers. JOIN Us for PRAYER AT THE HEART OF NEW MEXICO, Saturday, July 23rd, 10am-4pm MT at Sloan-Simpson Park in Corona, NM, Invite OTHERS & Spread The Word - Register for this FREE Event @ + May 13-14 attend The NM Prayer Summit!

Update on my friend. On returning to the hospital in Berlin he was diagnosed with cancer; right lung, pancreas, and liver. He left Germany and went back to his home country of Bosnia. He heard of miracle cure by catholic enclave near Sarajevo and in desperation went there. They feed healthy healing foods and pray. He told me when a group he called "the healers" come and pray and lay their hands on him he feels warmth and better after. He said 80% prayers to Jesus, 20% to Mary. My last word from him was over 2 weeks ago. He told me then they were flying him and the group to Rome.

Please pray for the setting up of a training facility. Plans, strategies, personnel, funds, execution, protection.

It may result in Kingdom expansion, signs and wonders, daily baptisms.

Looking forward to holding "Layman's training in Electrical Engineering, Carpentry, etc Planters

"Soap, Soup and Salvation " strategy of Salvation Army worked well in the past.
Our teams do give priority to Food security by teaching simple sustainable farming technologies to the local leaders.

@sinbach Boy, you guys are having an emotional rollercoaster ride with these boys! One graduating, the other off to boot camp!! Hard on a parents heart!! I'm praying you to make it through all the sad and joyful tears!! I continue to pray for your boys - yes, boys - they always stay boys and girls - not men and women, in the hearts of parents...and grandparents!

Please pray for the setting up of a training facility. Plans, strategies, personnel, funds, execution, protection.

It may result in Kingdom expansion, signs and wonders, daily baptisms.

Soon some of our key leaders will gather for worship and for planning some ministry activities together.

Some young leaders are still anxious 😟 about their future life partners.
Some decisions we take during this gathering will have repercussions from the non believing community.
Please pray!

Gospel Truth:
You exist because God wants you to exist.

"O Lord our God, You deserve to receive glory and honor and power, because You created all things; because of Your will they existed and were created." Revelation 4:11

Gospel Truth: Jesus Prays For You

“It is the Messiah, Jesus, who has died, or rather has been raised; who is at God’s right hand, and who prays on our behalf!”
Romans 8:34

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