@Ctyree So fill us in on what is happening to Millie Weaver? The videos are shut down.
@fjessha WHY?
@RoseofSharon This is what Classical Christian education is trying to bring back.
@raymondthebrave That is a powerful video on Bill Gates. Glad the Lord lead you to it, and for posting it.
@Lindseyay Good. How are you doing Lindseyay? Do feel a burden for prayer right now.
@Matthias We asked this question early on also.
@Chimneysweepwife A bit of a tip-off for those who would not be able to get hydroxychoriquin: fenugreek (previously used as a safe food additive) is a natural anti-inflammatory herb. I purchased it as an essential oil and used it in our diffuser about 6 drops to 1/2c water. This is what helped us when we thought we had the 'plague'. Completely well in 3 days. Did add multi-vits and some baking soda water, but that alone wasn't doing it. We hardly get sick & it did hit us. Praise the Lord.
@StevenBerry Are you part of the Berry Bible memory family?
@EntrekinTl @sinbach Ok, I'm starting to get it, I think. The 'Home' column is your posts. the 'Notifications' columns are the responses to your posts. The 'Federated timeline' column is the running dialog like on Facebook. I think that's how it is. Someone can confirm that.
@marktross Sounds fun!
@Olamide Amen, brother! My son, Wesley and I were discussing yesterday that parents these days grow sissies instead of adults. Conquer!
@4given God gave us work after the fall. If we don't labor, then we have to go to the 'gym' to get health. I'm thankful to be able to labor in small ways for Him. Good job.
@EntrekinTl Are you able to get onto the home page where you post? You should have an 'edit profile' above where you post. It should bring you to the edit page for it.
@blueheart1000 We rejoice with you Tara!
@bethany Oh, Lord, may the faith of our North Korean brethren, prepare us and strengthen us in what we could soon be facing! AMEN.
@julieluna_89 @Asianking That is interesting Julie, as I have a good amount of native from the Americas, I have also DNA from Argentina AND INDIA.
@xixiangdong @sinbach Karl Marx was a Roman Catholic? Wow. I studied the theories, but not the men.
Consider this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7e_BaXU3mA
@Chimneysweepwife Prayer is deeply needed for this country. Never, in the history of this country, has the three potential leaders for this land be a Facist, Socialist, or Communist. The English took over this land from the natives that had been here for thousands of years. Is the time now that the country to be re-conquered? This is the most serious election in U.S. history. Much, much prayer is needed. Only the Lord can open the door of resolve to this serious situation.
Born in W. Germany to military dad and Canadian mother. Raised in the Fair Oaks, CA area. Went to Leighton Littlejohn Elementary, Will Rogers Jr High, and San Juan High. Graduated in 1975. Had some Jr. College at American River. Worked for Family Radio from 1976-81. Married in '81. Husband left us after a suicide episode in 2016. The rest we'll leave there. Had 8 children. One with the Lord, and one grandson. Three children are married. Two special needs children.