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Took my sweet mom to Seeley Lake for brunch today. Thank you to all how prayed for her carpal tunnel surgery. Still healing and doing little exercises.

@sinbach another stumbling stone the Lord can easily throw out of the way.

@sinbach you truly have good friends.....that cake needs MANY MORE candles🤣🤣

@sinbach how sweet and thoughtful! Happy birthday! May our Father bless you with many more special times with incredible friends!

@Berrybunchfamily good to hear!! Stronger each day!
Sorry about Jo's coworkers, I'll pray for them.

@Lindseyay it was really good. But I let it steep too long so my last cup was kinda bitter...

@sinbach the Lord will be faithful. He has given wisdom to overcome all the other obstacles the enemy has thrown in the way. I'm excited to see what the team comes up with. I know God will be leading the way with a shield of protection for you all.

Please pray for my company to win a contract over the next week. The guys and girls have been fighting hard and fair to procure this work. Been wracking my brain on how to keep all the great workers working before a few other jobs kick off. This win would really help.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter this is so sad and unbelievable! I will be praying for this man and his family.

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