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@weavers4jesus praying God covers this family, keeps them safe and healthy! Praying the seven days go by quickly and can be a time of rest and a time of being together as a family to bond closer in love.

@weavers4jesus I'm amazed at the level of cruelty and suffering done to their citizens!! I continue to pray!!

@faith20 I will be happy to lift this to our Loving Father.

@faith20 also continue to pray for you and your wife.
I hope things have gotten better for both of you!
Are you wanting to go back teaching or do you want a different career? I'm not sure which to pray for.

@Berrybunchfamily love love love these pictures!!!
Happy Anniversary a day early!!
May God bless you with many many many more years together!!

@tanjaostman here too😔
Was 22 degrees this morning. Supposed to be 6 degree tonight.

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