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I was out of cell overage for a couple days... I missed everyone and I'm so far behind in reading all the happening! I love my DD family!
But! Did you know in Valuer, MT there is a rancher that raises breading bulls that sell between ten and eighty THOUSAND dollars?? Ppl from all over the world buy these bulls! .... The things I learn... Knowledge I will never use😁 but, wow!

Recently estimates show that nearly one million Christian martyrs in the last DECADE alone 🙏

wow! This priest is WOKE! Catholic or not, this guy is angry and about time.

A person found out trying to land on a backcountry airstrike with 2 - 3 feet of snow with big tires doesn't work well...using skis work better. Thankfully no one was hurt.
My husband's son is the huey pilot here.

Update: My Grandpa has passed away. Please keep my family in prayer, especially my Grandma and mom.

PRAYER NEEDED: We were driving down the main street in our town here in China, when I saw a man, completely naked IN THE WINTER COLD! He was lifting a very large public metal garbage can and banging it on the ground. We immediately turned our van around to go help.When we got to him there was a crowd of 100+ spectators. Not one helping. Not one in position to help women and children if he ran towards them. Just videoing and laughing. I wept over this afterwards. I walked up to him and saw bruises on his back.He was crouching at the time and was attempting to lift the metal garbage box above him. I immediately told him her was loved and called him a friend. He stoppped. He let me take his cut bleeding hands off the box. Suddenly he sobered up mentally and started to speak English. We only exchanged a few words and the police arrived.he panicked and yelled “please don’t take my life” over and over as they forced him into a police car. Pray for him. For Salvation. For Jesus!

🔥Urgent Prayer Requested🔥
Nigerian Pastor to be executed in two days by Muslim Extremists.

@sinbach I found you!🤓
And sometimes I bet you look like...🥸 being the sneaky guy

The Dems have gone totally insane. Rand Paul grills the Biden regime's trans child abuser who loves to castrate children and maim their genitalia, while Dems cheer. These child abusers should be imprisoned! Rand Paul doesn't hold back:

Please pray for my son Brandon for healing!!!!

He needed to get a nose blockage opening surgery and tonsils out as he had a problem that was making him quite sick and there were no other options. 😭 The pain is unreal- having both done at the same time.

He has been experiencing a VERY DIFFICULT time. I feel so badly for him. He is trying to be as cheerful as he can while bleeding from his nose and phlegm from the mouth and the pain of both surgeries. He also has fever.

Someone asked if there is anything that they can do to help and yes...there will be extra costs involved for him, and as you know because of a severe lockdown here in China, he has been unable to work. So, if you feel led to help it would take a weight if worry off his mind ❤️ As a family man with two little babies and wife.

please donate to:

Blessings from us all!
The Weaver Family

@daniel your sweet Heidi is in my heart in a way only Jesus can do. With every toddlers I see, with each quiet moment... Jesus puts her in my mind and a prayer is lifted. How is she doing?

@zephan how is your back? I'm praying Jesus will strengthen your back muscles and hold everything in it's proper place.

This is my daughter Lisa, who has Placenta Accreta. Plz pray the placenta quits growing through the uterus and Lisa will suffer NO bleeding problems. She has had 2 miscarriages; this will be her 3rd child. Thank you for praying! This DD family is priceless... If we never meet in person I know we'll have a blast when we meet in Heaven! I truly love you all.

HELP!!! Prayer Warriors!
My daughter is pregnant with her 3rd child. She is due in May... BUT she has Placenta Accreta; a serious condition where the placenta grows deeply into the wall of the uterus. In about a month, Lisa, my daughter, will travel 10 hours with her little family to Salt Lake City. She needs to spend a month under the watchful eye of the doctors. The precious baby will be delivered early April at 32 weeks (40 weeks is full term)
I know our Jesus can move mountains! I ask myself how I can know in my heart the power of God ...but lay awake thinking... Tossing in prayer.......

Urgent prayer request!!!🙏
The hamar tribe, one of the unreached people group in Ethiopia. There are few believers among them, but now the persecution started and one pregnant lady harshly harassed, lose her unborn baby. So they need our prayer urgently!🙏

Let the Lamb of God glorified in all ❤

'Please join me in praying for Dr. James Coates. Pastor of GraceLife Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada. I just received this update from his bride, Erin!

Please pray and share as this type of tyranny and evil MUST be exposed!!' - @ChrisHuff -

⚠️ DAY 5!

"That is how we usually do it in China. Even before we attend any formal training we are expected to share with others. The need is too great to allow new believers time to get comfortable with the idea of being Christians."

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