@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Kruselady @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @richardafaherty @Williams_girl @tanjaostman @daniel @bruster75
We are well..much work in th field. Pacing ourselves well...King Jesus is being glorified!
God bless You so!
@Kruselady @Olamide @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @richardafaherty @Williams_girl @tanjaostman @daniel @bruster75
I've never met Olamide personally, just assuming that the fields he mentioned is a figure of speech. Fields =Ministering areas.
Am I right @Olamide ?
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Kruselady @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @richardafaherty @Williams_girl @tanjaostman @daniel @bruster75
Yes referring to Mission Fields...
@Olamide @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @richardafaherty @Williams_girl @tanjaostman @daniel @bruster75 what you grow in the fields ?