Please pray for an aged Gospel worker, he remained a bachelor to care for orphans.
Left his homeland and settled among the people group he adopted.
He is on treatment for prostate related issues. Restless and sad as there are no visitors. Dementia, even gets paranoid sometimes.
Please pray for Divine health and peace.

Sisters and brothers abroad, please pray for Bolivia, for wisdom and faith upon His people.

On May 1st, church leaders in China were faced with new rules.
They will now be judged according to their faithfulness to the communist party and their efforts to promote its version of Christianity.

@Justinmartyr Here in Nova Scotia, if a privately owned business requires a mask then we have to where a mask or choose not to enter. Personally I don't have a problem with it, it may protect someone with health issues or make other people feel that I care about their safety.

Dear DingDash family, please keep us in your prayers today. I am here in the US writing Meriam Ibrahim's story. Not an easy story. Yesterday was filled with emotion and tears as Meriam talked about being born in a refugee camp, her father brutally murdering her aunt for an honor killing, her mother being tied up for two days and raped, and her running away and hiding to escape circumcision - only to be forcefully dragged back to the village and the Muslim elders publicly witnessing her genital mutilation - and this was all before she was even 7 years old!
We can use all the prayers we can get for this project.

There is a crisis among young people in China - suicide rates are among the highest they have ever been.
But in their time of greatest need, the Gospel is providing hope where communism has failed them.

This week in Egypt, terrorists posted a video showing the execution of three people. One of them was 62-year-old Coptic Christian, Nabil El-Habashy.
His crime? Helping to rebuild a church.

Missionaries in Myanmar: PART 1
“Dear loving Brethren,
I am writing this Report with a broken and trembling heart.My eye is filled with sadness and tears of hurt. First of all I want to beg you to pray for our safety and protection.
The military has taken control and is killing civilians. Everyday we needed to collect dead bodies on the road with tears and pains.Banks are being shut down, and it isn’t easy to get online.
Everywhere is filled with smoke and fire as factories are burned and destroyed.Thousands of people don’t have work,food,and a place to stay now.Almost all of our church members ran back to their village. There is neither market nor a shop where we can buy food because every road is blocked.How long will we last if it continues like this!?
Just a while ago, the soldiers’ truck came and stopped near our house. We were terrified; they captured six people who were having tea in the shop. God is my only Hope.

Missionaries in Myanmar: Part 2
All missionaries are suffering the misery of this greatly. My faithful missionary friend has a wife who is about to give birth,and there is no hospital opened.He said to me they would deliver the baby themselves in their small house by trusting God.
I have two small little girls, one is two years, and another is six months; I don’t care if I don’t have food to eat, but I think much for them and their safety. May you continue to uphold us in your prayer for our safety, provision, and protection.Soldiers are catching people from every house, and now they are near to us. Please pray for us.”

And... we've reached our final day!

"Then I heard the voice of the Father. When I was tied up and tortured, His voice gave me strength. When I was hungry and laying on the cold concrete floor, His love brought me warmth. The words of the Father brought me hope."

🚨Urgent Prayer Needed🚨
Isolated BTJ workers in North Korea ask for prayer as money dries up and food grows scarce.

Guys I can't give any details and I will not be posting this information on any other forum, but this week is really important to us at BTJ. we have Chinese pastors that have traveled to be together for the first time since the pandemic started last year. It is amazing to be with them and in prayer with them, but we need to plan the best way to support the church in China for this year. We do not want our own ideas, agendas, and thoughts to pollute what God has for us. Please pray for the leading and the guiding of the Holy Spirit during this time.

DAY 29 of End Time Persecution Devotional
Daughter of BTJ visionary, Pastor Jing, shares how God gave her father the vision for BTJ in the 1920s and the church in China has never been the same. Pastor Jing and his son both paid the ultimate price and were martyred for their faith in Christ.

DAY 27 - Sister Li

Sister Li sacrificed everything to follow the call of God to Tibet. Because of her sacrifice, many came to know Christ in the most unreached areas of China.

Life for Christians in China is a whole lot like it was many years ago. Now they must truly count the cost!

For all of you living in Free Countries..... remember those who are in bonds around the world for their faith ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏

Update: My Grandpa has passed away. Please keep my family in prayer, especially my Grandma and mom.

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