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Ghislaine Maxwell and her clients are still alive and powerful!

I'm so happy that we got to travel by plane to the UK - you never know if they will will make it harder again to travel. It's so healthy for us who live in the European country with the least densely population to see other parts of the world, and especially western Europe's biggest city. We loved it and had so much fun. I'm so impressed with all polite and kind Brits that we have met. They live in a very crowded place, and are still patient with tourists. We happened to come during the biggest rail strike in 30 years, and made it anyway to @Berrybunchfamily and back by train. Now we're sitting on a train home, instead of a connection flight (due to delays in Heathrow). A great part of our journey has been about waiting, rescheduling, planning, and going from point A to B. My son googled that the average speed in London is 12 km/hrs for vehicles. That's slower than we cycle, so we rented Santander bikes a lot. They have 800 docking stations in London, and cost GBP 2 per 30 min. Discover The Forgotten Power of Plants with Nicole Apelian. "The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies" is having 800+ beneficial plants and remedies of our forefathers' most powerful natural cures that have lost in history. Natural Painkillers that work better than prescription medicines. Natural antibiotics and antivirals. This book will recipes for tinctures, teas, decoctions, essential oils, syrups, salves, poultices, infusions, and many other natural remedies that our grandparents used for centuries.

If you see this plant in your Backyard Burn It Immediately. The common backyard weeds that will replace every drug in medicine cabinet. If you see This Plant in Your Backyard, Whatever You Do Don't Step on It!

Father of the Movement: Eric Hovind and David Whitcomb talk about legacy of John C. Whitcomb

The haruwa–charuwa system is a forced-labour system based on debt bondage, prevalent in the agricultural sector of the eastern Terai region in Nepal. Haruwa means "forced tiller" and are usually adult males, while charuwa means "forced cattle-herder" and are usually women and children.[1] The victims of this bonded labour system are usually dalit families, most commonly from the Musahar caste. Due to landlessness and poverty, they are forced into service of landowner families under slavery-like conditions.[2] The haruwa–charuwa system is similar to the Haliya and Kamaiya systems of western Nepal.[2][3]

Another term, kodarwa, is often used to refer to strong men who cultivate the lands of landlords for wages or payment of debt, similar to haruwas.[4] The written ......

We took possession of our newly acquired farm ! As usual many regions are flooding and others are struggling with drought. @sinbach

Pray that the God of Issac will perform miracle for His chosen people.
The pictures are from open sources!

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