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Just booked my hotel for next week's BTJ conference! @sinbach See you in Royce City next Friday.

How is it possible they can keep him in jail without any real reason? I know these things happen in countries like China etc with persecution of Christians, but in America..?

@tanjaostman i saw this a little while one level, no news - we always knew it wasn't meant to be a vaccine that stops transmission

just frustrating that it took 2 years for them to actually be honest

A Pfizer executive just admitted the company didn't even test the Covid vaccine to see if it prevented transmission of the virus.

"The purchase of 4.5 billion doses of the covid-19 vaccine for 450 million EU 🇪🇺 residents is the biggest CORRUPTION SCANDAL in the history of mankind."

Because Pastors also need a break from heavy theological reading...a Review: 1941: Countdown to Infamy

Heard a great message from Francis Chan this morning about the world's belief in subjective truth.

"I think one of the most destructive practices of this generation is you value your own thoughts way too much, when God says "My thoughts are not the same as yours."
And yet, you want to look inside and tell everyone 'your' truth - what you've been thinking and what you've been feeling rather than opening up the word of God and saying "these truths are way beyond mine. This is truth."

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