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Ukraine Update 3-12-22 CMM Members' Boots On The Ground-Jesus' Hands, Heart and Love! All Hands On Deck!
All hands on deck! Pray for your fellow CMM friends and family on the ground in Ukraine and the region rescuing families and orphans, relocating to safety, feeding, and clothing in the cold weather as power outages and communications make it brutal for those without your help! Pray for all the great organizations working to be Jesus' hand, heart, and love during wartime. Keeping our eyes and hearts focused on our Lord always, bringing heaven to earth, for His glory.

Marriage Matters, Rules of Engagement, Season 1, Episode 8

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo talk about getting engaged - that period before marriage when a couple prepares to get married.

As always, Andy B finds us some relevant bible verses to see what the bible says about getting engaged. The bible doesn’t say anything specifically about getting engaged per se, but there are, of course, principles and experiences of engagement in the bible to be found:

• Matthew 1:18- 21 – Joseph thinks about calling off his engagement to Mary
• 1 Corinthians 7:9 – Better to marry than burn with passion

Find out by watching this enlightening episode on Engagement!

Andy and Jo

For the rest of the post, a full transcript, listen to the podcast or watch the video, visit our website –->

For all our Social Links

# berrybunchfamilyfive

Patsy is our dear friend and loved around the world. Patsy shares her powerful testimony, overcoming rejection,, covid battle, and more. Pray with others at the end for her total healing and restoration.

Thank you brother Alan @DevotionalTreasures for this beautiful devotional, "Patient In Prayer". Sharing your hymn choice of the day:

Part 2 of Pastor David Purse series on Russia and the last days from Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle Belfast

In light of the season where people are thinking about ' death, burial, and here's our response refuting the skeptics attack on the ;

Oh, Hello's Me..
Praying for you: We won't fail Father God in our generation, amen!
- Hope you are doing well ❤️

Facebook blocks account of African Christian Mother that was persecuted for her faith.
For posting about persecution of Christians.
FB's timing is oddly just before her book is to be released.
Let's help highlight her story even more by sharing it with others.
If you have an account on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Parlor, Gab, etc - please share this article on as many platforms as possible.

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