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Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

200 Bibles meant for a closed country is still kept in a safe house.
Please pray for safe delivery !

Bethany boosted

This week we are producing 1k pill Bibles that we pray will make it into the gulags.
We want to thank all of our supporters that help make this happen!

Bethany boosted

@sinbach My wife and I burned through the Chasing Revival Series. We loved it!

Bethany boosted

God is still sustaining baby Diana! Doctors ate doing loads of tests to find out why her belly keeps swelling everytime they give her formula. Please keep praying! That little clinched fist breaks my heart.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

You have your Bible in English today because - on this day, October 6, in 1536, William Tyndale was burned at the stake for disobeying the authorities.
It was deemed a danger to society for individuals to read the Bible themselves. If an individual wanted to learn more about the Bible, they needed to join a congregation, have it read to them by an ordained priest, and in the Latin language.
William Tyndale was considered selfish and dangerous for putting the individual over the group.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

In this podcast, @bethany and I hash it out.
Are men and women the same?
Should women be pastors?
Would I EVER attend a church pastored by a woman?
And Finally - why do I love chick flicks so much?
Such a fun and honest podcast with plenty to agree about and disagree about.

Bethany boosted

Asking for prayer for a baby girl who doctors say won't survive the night. Her mother is a teen who was raped by her own father and the baby has many medical problems. Her name is Diana, please pray 🙏

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

We had such a large number of new members flood to DingDash yesterday when Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp crashed.
We were so excited to provide Christians with an alternative!

Bethany boosted

We are putting together our BTJ Book Tour with Mariam Ibraheem for March 2022.
Sunday March 13th will be in Fairfax County, just outside of Washington DC, where Mariam will share her story and will be signing books.
More details to come. Can't wait!

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Was so great to have Pastor Matt Havens with us in this refugee camp in Iraq sharing about preparing the church for end times.

Today is a special day. I would like to thank God, my loved ones, my Dingdash family for standing with me through all of the blood, sweat and tears it took to get me to this point. And, last but not least, @sinbach for the MONTHS of grasshopper ridicule which only fuelled my determination to get here.

So... on this day, the 30th September, I finally graduate to NINJA status! Thank you all for being with me on this journey 😁🏆

Bethany boosted
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