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"While I was wallowing in self-pity, there was a whole world with literally billions of people who had no idea who God is, how amazing He is, and the wonders He has done for us. They are the ones who are really suffering. They don't know the message of the gospel.
But now I knew what it meant to follow God. Now I had found Jesus.
And all suffering is worth it to follow Jesus. He is that amazing."

This has easily become one of my favourite books I've read this year. Highly recommend for those who haven't read it.

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Bethany boosted

Yay! Christmas 😍 sale is here!

also... to check if you have the gift of tongues interpretation ask me for a Polish version called "Fufusiowe Opowieści: Odwaga do bycia posłusznym".

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Studying the Bible is not for an education that merely brings self-gratification.
It is essential preparation for active deployment.

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Great News coming soon! Pray as I meet with two different Governments! Jesus will be in those Rooms!

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Bethany boosted

I had to share this (especially for @MaryMamuzich and @Berrybunchfamily).
I was at someone's house for dinner last night, and they made maybe the most typical Yorkshire meal there is. Made me think of you both 😂

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Bethany boosted

So far this year 25 million dollars has been paid by Christian churches and Christian families paid to terrorists in Nigeria. Pray for this information to be exposed and dealt with by world leaders. A report is coming out tomorrow in Epoch Times news. Laura Logan of Fox Nation has done an excellent expose with data from our friend, Doug Burton. Lord help end the Genocide and brutal atrocities as the money trail is exposed.

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@sinbach The BTJ store is well stocked for anyone looking for Christmas gifts. The largest Christmas sale we have ever had starts on Friday!

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So thankful for this young lady (my daughter)! To those who prayed for her earlier this year during her health crisis, "Thank you so much!" She is doing well.

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Just imagine the joy and excitement on the faces of people, young and old alike, when they see and taste fresh, safe, cool water coming from a new well our CMM Partners helped to build. Together we have provided hundreds and hundreds of wells to remote tribal villages where God’s people are being encouraged and strengthened by our trusted national pastors on the strong foundation of the living word of Jesus Christ.

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saw these for first time in Washington DC today.
So thankful.
I now expect everyone to begin referring to me as "award winning documentarian."

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Pray for these beautiful children all rescued from the evil and trauma of human trafficking. This is one of several houses CMM cares for in Asia with our loving staff. The numbers are increasing and we ask you to pray about helping with monthly support for all their needs: food, medical care, clothing, utilities, Christian education and as they grow, vocational training so they can live Christ-centered, fruitful, productive, self-sustaining lives. Pray and give at HTTP://

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Even we try best, we still don't know how to keep our boy safe from all uncertainty. It has been 3 months now Mikhael was saved by God grace.
Thank you for your prayer support.

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