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davereimer boosted

An Iranian Christian working with BTJ had 1,000 Bibles in his home to give to other believers. The Bibles were not hidden.
The police busted into his home looking for the Bibles. They looked at them, but couldn't see them!!!
How is that possible?

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

@sinbach we do one of those, and also a cauliflower version, in the slow cooker 🙂

Always tastes great

The cauliflower one is always much improved by adding bacon 😉

davereimer boosted

My Cheese broccoli soup! In my humble, shy, God given opinion, ummmm's the best in the world.

davereimer boosted

Did some baking today 😊 Another first, since October.

One for a colleague of Jo's who took on a bunch of Jo's work so she could have less t so, due to me being ill

Managed to hand it to her this evening, when I dropped off Jo at work.

Baked a second one at the same time for us. Gonna ice that one shortly for the morning tea and cake moment we can now have 🙂

davereimer boosted

it's so hard for me to explain how happy this picture makes me.

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davereimer boosted

On May 1, 2018, Huldah's husband, Abraham, didn't return home. The next day, his beheaded body was found. It is believed that Hindu radicals falsely told a Maoist group (Naxalites) that he was a police informant. The Maoist group, who generally oppose the government, killed him.

Pray for Huldah and her two adopted children as they continue in ministry and cope with such a great loss.

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

A Buddhist background believer (sister Z) is requesting for miraculous healing from her medical condition.

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Today is my estranged dad's cremation service. He died the day after my first hospital visit last month - 12th November. He was 78.

So mixed emotions for me. I won't be attending because I'm still not up to a journey of that kind & as I avoid any stress I can.

He left behind his 3rd wife, 4 sons, 2 step daughters

I'm sad by the pain of a very broken, fragmented family.

He was saved.

I was even contacted by a half brother I hadn't seen for 32 years, and 2 half brothers I've not seen for 14 years

I'm sad he left a legacy, sadly, of broken people and lives. But I also know enough of the 'why' of how he lived and have no bitterness. Just sadness.

He ministered originally in Wolverhampton, setting up youth work projects. And was a passionate speaker and brilliant orator. I definitely learned those skills from him.

I said my real goodbyes 14 years ago. Today I'll say it one last time.

Photo : Top left to right
Steven (my son), Mark (youngest half brother of 3 boys), me, my dad

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

I was contacted by a scammer from India today that hacked into a friends email.
It took up most of my day today but it was soooo much fun.
He kept asking me to buy Amazon gift cards to send to him and I kept sending him bogus confirmation numbers.
We went back and forth. I was asking for help and instructions. He was getting so impatient and angry.
I am easily entertained.

davereimer boosted

Those are some motivating xmas lights!
Iwo Jima for the win

davereimer boosted

Imagine how massive God's mercy and forgiveness is.
Go ahead take a guess.
Then smack yourself because even what you imagine in your most grand moments is still too stinking small.

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

@tanjaostman why are you trying to make me cry?...Being Loved is such a boost I tell you!!!!!
Please pray for me....I'm off to train Ministers for 3 days...will be away form home for 5 days...

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Advice for wives:
When a woman desires to change a man, she is essentially communicating an attitude of superiority towards him. “If only he was as neat/spiritual/smart/thoughtful as I am!”
Her demands, criticisms, not-so-subtle hints, comparisons, and constant nagging accomplish nothing. Instead of eliciting a change within his heart, these tactics almost always have the opposite effect.
More than anything else, a man wishes to be accepted for who he is. Instead of focusing on any faults, a woman can accept her man by always seeking to look towards his better side.
In respecting his convictions, preferences, dreams, abilities and ways of doing things, she communicates both honor and respect.
Learning how to be an excellent wife requires a tremendous amount of humility. Without this foundation, change will be difficult! A woman striving for virtue must always possess a teachable heart. Only then can she ever hope to be her husband’s crown and dearest companion.
-Paulina M. Prieto

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