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davereimer boosted

[John 20:21-22, NLT]
21 Again he said, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you."
22 Then he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit.

21 예수께서 또 이르시되 너희에게 평강이 있을지어다 아버지께서 나를 보내신 것 같이 나도 너희를 보내노라
22 이 말씀을 하시고 그들을 향하사 숨을 내쉬며 이르시되 성령을 받으라

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

This was so interesting - how a Muslim became a Christian believer BY reading the Koran.
"At the end of the road to Allah, Jesus is the One who is waiting."

Worth the watch.

davereimer boosted

WE HAVE TESTED POSITIVE! I've had mild flu symptoms since last Thursday. I took a home test on Fri, that showed negative. I've been working so far this week, but felt tired, and worked shorter days. My husband had fever one night a couple of days ago, but he's been working as well (you don't easily stop him from working, as he has lots of deadlines and meetings). Our son (13 yrs old) has stayed home from school for two days because of symptoms, and last night he got fever. He's still got quite high fever. Tonight my husband wanted to take home tests, and we all three tested positive. None of us are injected with mRNA or have any particular health issues or diagnoses - so our immune systems are probably intact. But please remember us in your prayers anyway - especially Edvin who has fever!

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Please pray for a small team traveling!
10/40 Window.
(Representative pictures from open sources).

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

A second update about my friend Mikael who is still in hospital. Unfortunately they won't let him go because his oxygen saturation is too low. They wanted to put him in IC on ventilator - exactly what's not a good solution (according to many). Both him and his wife have refused it, and it seems like the doctors have respected it if I understood it correctly (we discuss in a Telegram group). His CRP was 84 some hours ago. His wife wrote that they won't let her visit him. We wrote that she should demand that, because she is married to him, and has just recovered from C-19. There is so much strange things going on when it comes to C-19. Why put him on a ventilator when they just have started to give him antibiotics for his pneunomia? And then they report the news about how many unvaccinated they have in IC. Please, pray for a quick recovery and for protection from harmful interventions!

davereimer boosted

Out there somewhere is someone showering with a mask on.
I just know it....

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

are you awake at 3 am?
May I recommend this documentary.

davereimer boosted

Please pray for a friend of mine (middle aged) with covid! He's Christian and has asked for prayer. High fever for almost a week. He has taken Ivermectin, Zink, vit D etc. He's not vaccinated (if it matters, since they are so ineffective). He is going to check his lungs at the hospital today. I have no idea what protocol they use for covid, if it helps or if it only boils down to a person's own immunity.

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Moving day went well today, despite some fears I struggled to shake off

Left the old house at 0945, and drive to the new house, arriving around 1715

We unpacked both vans by 2130, and had a simple dinner from some tins and packets, that was very welcome

All lur beds are made. It's 0100 in the morning and wet off to our bed now.

Tomorrow we return the vans and drive back to our new home...a 12 hour day, almost entirely driving.

Even managed to get the heating working - the controller unit is complex!! But downstairs is now warmer than our fridge, so that's good!

Thanks for your prayers

Andy B and the BerryBunch

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

no other project brings me as much joy as supporting the education of children of persecuted parents.
I'm so thankful to be a part of this.

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