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davereimer boosted

I don't know who's the artist, because I found it in a Telegram group.

davereimer boosted

@MaryMamuzich @Berrybunchfamily

Thanks so much. Knowing that there are brothers and sisters who pray for us is of great encouragement and, beyond that, we believe that God answers the prayers of his children. God bless you.

davereimer boosted

Freedom marches were arranged even in Finland today. This is from Helsinki with 3000-5000 participants, which is much in this country. People are very peaceful. I don't know if MSM has reported this event yet, or will report. They have reported very little about demonstrations and marches around the world. The only thing they say is something like "a small group of right wing extremists... "

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davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Dear friends! I'm sharing the 2nd part of the meeting with brother Yun in Krakow.
This time we are sharing his testimony from Chinese prison where he went through horror... and never denied our Lord.

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BIG DAY! about to watch my youngest son swear in to the US Air Force.

davereimer boosted

2 vans at home and ready to load.

it's freezing cold here today - we're about to have a cooked breakfast before loading the vans throughout today

tomorrow we drive to our new home - anything up to around a 6 hour journey, and unload them

on Saturday we return the vans and drive back to our new home - around a 11-12 hour day

our car engine started playing up yesterday, but Jo made it to her last day of work and back, and we made it to the van hire place this morning.

we need another 500 miles or so out of the car, as we have no money for repairs (we suspect the last two, original, fuel injectors) and will need to find a garage once we've arrived at the new house. even if we had the money, garages are booking many days into the future anyway

plenty to pray for, and into, over the next 72 hours or so!!

we're certain God hasn't brought us this far to fall at the final hurdle, so we're holding to hope and Jesus!!

Andy B

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davereimer boosted

To me, these are the two most powerful prayers in the Bible and in the right order:
"Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me."
"Lord, that I might receive my sight."

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davereimer boosted

Israel's lead doctor for government vaccine mandates ADMITS that vaccine does not work against Omicron, calls for end of vaccine passports, and apologizes for shutting down schools.
This is NOT a drill.
The entire interview can be found in our latest article.
This will most likely be removed from mainstream social media.
That is why I am sharing this here

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davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Open Doors 2022 update of the Global Persecution map is here.
North Korea is NOT in the 1st place on the list anymore...
Check it out.

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davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
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