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I Died On A Plane-Seeing Jesus Beyond My Grave! Resurrection Life In Awe and Worship!
None of us have a guarantee of tomorrow. We are to live each day as if it is our last. Be sure to tell loved ones and friends how much you love them and cherish them often. Death, oh where is your sting? 'The path of life leads upward for the wise' Prov. 15:24

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His creation is the best worship song.
Without saying a word leaves me breathtaking. How little I am. How beautiful He is. How much I need to change to reflect Him that well. His grace is enough.

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The Lord spoke to me today with these verses that I thought I'd share with you. God bless you all.

- Psalms 119:160 NKJV
The entirety of Your word is truth ...

- I Corinthians 16:14 NKJV
Let all that you do be done with love.

- Colossians 3:14 NKJV
But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.

- John 13:35 NKJV
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

- I John 3:18 NKJV
My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

May God help us all to shine His love that He poured into our hearts in Christ Jesus.

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This is a person that already for years has been a very interesting individual in world history.

IsraelUnwired .com

written by Phil Schneider | August 22, 2019 | 626 views"

"This personality is one in a million. It seems too crazy to be true. Some people even think it’s not true. But, it seems that he is indeed the real thing. He seems to have renounced his former religion and has now adopted a completely different lifestyle.
This “son of Hamas” speech will knock your socks off. He doesn’t pull punches and even criticizes his own parents. He doesn’t mince words. There is nothing politically correct about what he says. It is just downright riveting."

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What a WONDERFUL interview!!!!! This is a MUST LISTEN!!! What a BEAUTIFUL sister Olesia is!!! What a testimony of the love of God!!! She has the true heart of Jesus!!! Oh I want that heart too!!! She is a true warrior for the Kingdom of God!!! I want that too!!! What immoveable faith!!! That too!!! Thank you Dannah (Revive Our Hearts) you did such a beautiful job interviewing. What can I say? Every Christian should listen to this interview and be edified and revived for this very hour, for such a time as this!!!

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"I Asked the Lord" by John Newton (of Amazing Grace fame)

Sung in Chinese w/ English subtitles

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Broken Dreams, and Hope! Now available on Amazon!!

A few reviews of the book we launched yesterday. So thrilled it is encouraging people!

“Small confession to make… I just finished reading your book! Finished in a day which is very unusual for me. A real page turner!”

“I read your book last night, it took a little over an hour. It was so good! Each chapter flowed into the next making it hard to put down.”

“Very good, Andy, I’m so very proud and honoured that I can hand this book out knowing I know this family.”

“Letting a person who doesn’t realize that pain and suffering is apart of this life and not something uncommon makes it easier knowing your not alone – life is indeed messy. “

“I love the way you spoke of hurt and abuse but never going into details that would have robbed the reader of their own inward pains and ability to take hold of the Lord’s extended hand – the hand that will never let go.“

Read more at -->

Andy B

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