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davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

@tymektt the ignorance of the British people, and their comments in response to the live video by Boris Johnson as he speaks the Houses Of Parliament is sickening to me

I'm glad the UK government is doing something. I'm glad they sent [limited] numbers of anti-tank, anti-aircraft weapons. I'm glad they say that there is much more they will do.

But this feels like a few grains of sand against the sand on a beach.

Praying on for this situation. But it says much that the western powers are trying to hurt Russia's economy only.

I'm not suggesting we try and obliterate them either! But it saddens me that our greatest response has been financial, as if that is the only thing that matters.

Andy B

davereimer boosted

Please pray for our Ukrainian friends 🇺🇦 💔
- for safe passage of war refugees
- for provision in fuel and food
- for supernatural protection of kids
- for the wisdom of those in charge
- for strength and courage

davereimer boosted

Are you like me and assume that persecution against Christians was worse 2,000 years ago?
that is not what the data shows.
According to a recent report, 2021 saw more Christians martyred for their faith than at ANY OTHER TIME IN HISTORY!

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Former Jesuit priest shares how the testimony of the Underground House Church in China led him to lay down his clerical title and simply follow Jesus.
His life has never been the same since

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

I'm so impressed with people who speak three or more languages fluently - but this resporter speaks SIX (!!) languages fluently! Do you know anybody who is totally fluent in at least three languages? I consider myself fully fluent only in my mother tongue (Swedish) but I can communicate in three languages (Swe + English and Finnish), I understand Norwegian well, Danish and German moderately (I studied it in school). I wish I would speak French and Spanish as well. In Finland all students learn at least three languages in school, so everybody learns the basics of Finnish, Swedish and English. But not everyone is fluent.

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

"On August 23, 1989, about 2 million people from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania formed a human chain that united all 3 countries to show the world their desire to escape the Soviet Union and the communism that brought only suffering and poverty. This power stretched 600 km." (Source: Historic Photographs on FB)

davereimer boosted

Another nation finds freedom!
I arrived in Switzerland today to find that they have dropped all covid regulations.
Vaccine mandates? GONE!
Testing? GONE!
It was amazing to spend the day with our office in Zurich and not have to wear a mask.
Congrats Switzerland. Welcome to the world of freedom again.

davereimer boosted

Feb. Prayer points: Mt 24:14
-Unreached ethne-Han Chinese, Hui, Khmer, Pashtun, Koli, Dhobi, Arab, Yemeni, Fulani, Shaikh, Vanniyan, Uyghur (genocide), Nai, Jat, Ansari, Arain, Kazakh, Sinhalese, Mahishya,Tujia, Lingayat, Mali, Mappila, Lohar, Mahar, Azerbaijani, Santal, Java Banyumasan,Tajik, Madura, Somali, Kurd

-God's generosity made known

-Only 1 race

Video: One blood, one race Ken Ham
Acts 17:16-33
Answers in Genesis

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Facebook blocks account of African Christian Mother that was persecuted for her faith.
For posting about persecution of Christians.
FB's timing is oddly just before her book is to be released.
Let's help highlight her story even more by sharing it with others.
If you have an account on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Parlor, Gab, etc - please share this article on as many platforms as possible.

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

BTJ just finished hosting our annual Hackers Conference.
Just WOW❗
This year we had hackers from all around the world meet up in the Middle East and dream of the newest ways to invade the enemy's territory with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and set the captives free.
This is a Great Day to complete the Great Commission.

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