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Revelation 18:4‭-‬5

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

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We don't have pictures (this one is a representative picture from open source)
Few dozens decided to fulfill the commandment, fully knowing the consequences. Social ostracism and harassment from community and family members are normal. Yet they are willing to take up their cross and follow Jesus.
is transforming because God is on the move!

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Christ endured the cross "for the joy set before him". (Hebr. 12:2)

So I'm making the conclusion that a deep understanding of what this joy REALLY means might help to endure persecution, even torturing, as Christ did.

Help me Lord to understand deeply the joy I have in You and in what's still in front of me! But also to grasp that if I fear You above all, then I don't need to fear anything else in this world. Amen.

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A beautiful thing that happened when Zhang didn't give up his faith was that a muslim got saved! Zhang was constantly being tortured and it was so horrible that he just prayed and asked God to take his life. But then a muslim, who also was imprisoned, had watched how Zhang was being tortured and because he saw the peace and the power that surrounded Zhang through the torturing, he got convinced that Zhangs God is the real God! And so Zhang was able to lead him to Christ. Praise God!

Today at around 13.00, 39 degrees. Tonight, at 19.00, 35 degrees. It's terribly hot .... is there anyone who can send me some fresh air? 😀

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Marie Monsen describes the power of prayer. She points out the importancy of really believing the word of God: what He says is the truth. And that faith comes by hearing,so to speak out God's promises builds up our faith.
I was picking blueberries in the forest. I had no insect poison with me. But when I reached the forest I very quickly realized the mosquitos were there to hunt my blood. I got disappointed and thought I'd have to give up. But then I remembered Marie Monsen! So I asked God if there's a verse fitting my situation now. The only thought that came up was "The plagues of Egypt don't belong to God's children". I thought: "This is not a direct verse from the Bible", but then I admitted,this same thought is there,in Exodus. So I started speaking it out, even made a song about it and continued. A mosquito would land on my hand and I could just blow it away. Finally the wind came to my help! When finished,not a single insect had eaten me,praise God! At home I found Ex. 8:17-19.

Dear brothers and sisters, I would like to ask you to pray for my wife Anna.

The excessive stress due to the challenges we are facing has led her to have trouble swallowing and consequently to swallow food.

She is eating little, she is not very hungry and she is losing weight. I ask you to pray that my wife can be healed in her throat, that she can eat without hindrance and that she can regain her natural weight.

Thanks so much. You don't know how precious your prayers are.

God bless you all. 🙏🙏🙏

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I am a companion of all them That fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts.

Psalm 119:63

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Why does the underground church of China continue to grow? How did it survive through the harshest years of communism?
"They did not depend on a centralized structure. Any believer could plant a church, preach, and baptise others. In this way they could multiply in secret. Also, strong organisations are easy to target. You can destroy their buildings, freeze their assets and arrest their leaders, but a church that does not depend on buildings, bank accounts or a hand-full of leaders, is very hard to control."

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Russia is committing so many atrocities. Scorched earth policy.. just simply destroying and making places inhabitable because they couldn't conquer in a short time. Hospitals and apartment buildings are randomly struck by long range missiles, killing hundreds of citizens.
For a while, Pastor Sasha and the people were trying to be positive and faith-filled. Now they brace themselves for the worst everyday.

"The grace of God brings the presence of God into our lives in a way that changes the atmosphere around us.

I like to picture how His presence manifests itself in this way ...

Imagine a hot, humid day, where people are driving around in cars that are not air-conditioned but imagine that we are in an air-conditioned car.

So while everybody else is miserable, hot, and perspiring, we are cool and restful because we have a different atmosphere.

In a similar manner, God’s grace surrounds us with a different atmosphere, protecting us from what others experience as part of living in a fallen world".

D. Prince

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Pray for a elderly woman who is a new neighbor of mine she is originally from Spain and has a thick accent. She is very lonely so I told her that when I’m lonely I take it to God and he helps me with it. I told her she could do that and he would help her! Her eyes filled with water and she said could I? I said yes.

Psalm 27:1‭-‬3

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, They stumbled and fell.

Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: Though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.

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@MaryMamuzich @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter amen sister. The Lord hears our cries and sees our broken hearts. In Exodus, the Lord told the children of Israel that He is merciful and longsuffering. He sees and knows.

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@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter I'm without words! I shake my head and close my eyes. My heart hurts. I lift all the pain and suffering the ppl of India are going through right now and for the future when there are no crops to harvest and few animals for food and for the lack of food for the animals.... The suffering looks endless but our Lord truly is above our limits; is faithful and able to supply all our needs.
I lift my hands and broken heart to the One who cares the most.

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