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Katharos boosted
Katharos boosted

🚨 BTJ Programmer Booted from Twitter🚨
NOT for Tweets he posted, but for for Tweets he liked and interacted with.

Katharos boosted

In case you did not see this video - We share how you can download ALL of your Facebook Photos in less than 2 minutes.
This is important to do if you ever decide to delete your Facebook account or if Facebook ever decides to delete you from your FB account.

Katharos boosted

Download your Facebook Photos in less than two minutes. Click on link here:

Katharos boosted

The lights just went out for Parler. For many of Christians waking up this morning with Parler accounts after being stifled by Facebook/Twitter you will find that they are off line.
If you feel defeated and that you have no voice, remember that is how the enemy wants you to feel.
You do not need Parler to connect with the Father this morning. Prayer is faster than a social media post and His comfort is more contagious than any viral video.
Be of good cheer! Amazon does not host the servers that allow us direct communication with heaven.

Katharos boosted

We are a small family from around the world.
Getting to know a new system can be super confusing, but here is a quick video to help with the basics.

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Katharos boosted

Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant.
Then it tries to silence the good.

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New to DingDash, but don't know how to use?
here is a quick tutorial to help you understand more:

Well YouTube is down virtually worldwide, along with other Google services including Gmail, and the Google Wi-Fi servers as well as the Google play store. If you don’t have a back up email account that’s not beholden to one of the tech Giants, I would really encourage you to get one. Proton mail is great

Katharos boosted

For my fellow Americans, this might be the MOST powerful pre-election video that I have ever listened to. I am not Catholic, but I have - without exaggeration, been enriched and enlightened by the Holy Spirit from the message of this priest. I DO NOT POST THIS ON BEHALF OF BTJ - but from my own opinion moving into election week.

Katharos boosted

There’s still time to grab yourself a bargain from the BTJ Fall Sale! Check it out 👇🏻

Katharos boosted

Are we going to be overwhelmed with bots again?
Do we need a BBC (British Babylon C Bot)
or its sister, mind-numbing PBS bot?
Ya'll decide. Im just a peon here.
Maybe restrict them to 2 posts a month.
Dont know!

Katharos boosted

This is a personal message of mine, for my dearest friend.
I am asking you to please pray for her in hospital, where she is very scared and anxious. She has a bleed on the brain and is 8 months pregnant. I'm so very scared for ger. Please pray to Our Lord God for her to feel the comfort of The Holy Spirit to calm her and the healing hands of Jesus to make her well. Amen. Thank you.

Katharos boosted
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