Hi friends, I was featured as a guest on a local podcast! I invite you to watch this episode as I share about why I started The Overcomers and what future plans are in the works. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/txanMsTTI_g?si=YHQaUPume9Vrs-MB
@weavers4jesus I'll pray. If possible let us know your concerns and how God blesses.
@DevotionalTreasures My Pastor was given 3 months to live with 2 cancers.. he wound not quit preaching .. took chemo.. God has brought him to a point amazing his doctors .. so that the cancers could be now removed surgically plus God’s healing hand is very obvious! It’s a miracle! He is now recovering from the second surgery a stage 4 colon tumor removed! We are giving God the glory .. he is in control! Prayers for Pastor Don Cunningham’s healing are much appreciated ! He is recovering from the second surgery now. He is 66 with heart problems but won’t slow down his deep Biblical teaching! As a congregation we are profited by his intense Bible study!
@DevotionalTreasures Great thought! We in the American Church are weak in this area .. but I believe God will bring persecution stronger than now to bless His Church & purify it! I see it’s certainly increasing in Britain
@melmc Americans are giving it away step by step!
This week has felt very lonely for some reason. Living in a communist country where spiritual oppression can be strong practically and spiritually and press down upon us.
Desiring to see more and more souls for Jesus!
Desiring to see yokes of bondage and sin lifted off thousands!
Desiring to see orphans loved and adopted. Not left to rot in orphanages without love.
Desiring to inspire those saved to reach out and be contagious for Jesus!
Pressing on!
@Olamide Thx very informative .. I can count on you Olamide!
Christian Girl, 10, Kidnapped and Forcibly Converted in Pakistan
‘Buy guns. Buy ammo’ – Pittsburgh cops to no longer respond to many calls
@melmc When most people’s hearts turn away from God’s commandments they bring destruction on themselves! Only repentant turning to God will bring back blessing! Hate produces hate, violence produces violence …. Loving God produces loving Godly people! Jesus is the only answer!
@thiscantberight Really appreciate this message
@thiscantberight Thx
@thiscantberight Very informative .. thanks.. this IS way over my head.. however I do know basically what God tells us WILL HAPEN. Daniel chapter 2 .. the feet partly iron partly clay.. it seems to me all that’s happening around the World is heading that direction.. But God has shown us the end of that prophecy of the stone cut out without hands destroying that Anti-Christ Kingdom & setting up the eternal kingdom of Jesus.. hallelujah!
SOS! One of our daughters living in a Tibetan Buddhist dominated area, is quite sick. For her healing, protection and for her studies.
Demonic activities, attacks are common.
High level of witchcraft, black magic, occultic practices and sacrifices are common
Few times she was admitted in the hospital recently.
@Olamide @MaryMamuzich (please tag our friends, who are in the direct message chat).